jim@pnet01.cts.com (Jim Bowery) (06/15/91)

Charles J. Divine writes:
>[ bunch of stuff about Traxler/Green porkbarrel deleted ]
Complain about Traxler/Green's porkbarrel if you want, but its sort
of like a Dr. Mengele complaining about his patients' bad attitudes.
Get rid of the really big problems first and the other problems, like 
SSC and EOS, will be much easier to deal with.  That is, in fact, why 
true porkbarrel devotees are so obsessed with supporting Fred no matter
what the cost.  In the words of one House staffer (not on the space
committee) "It's a fire sale.  Everyone is cashing in their chips."
The debate was even more intense than the civil rights act!  
This issue is such a wonderful spot-light, exposing the real evil in Congress
for all to see.  We're talkin' Judgement Day here.  The list of Congressmen 
who fought for Fred is a distilled and purified essence of why people hate 
government more than ever.  Names are named.  The evidence is on video tape.
The FBI never did such a well-designed sting operation.
>shaping the activities of large corporations.  A very considerable part of
>the cost in developing and building Fred lies in the current need to play
>some very nasty political games (e.g., NASA has learned DOD's trick of
>putting a subcontractor in every Congressional district).  
The only NEED to play some those nasty political games comes from the
big project approach to space.  Unlike DoD, there is no good reason JSC 
has to choose activities that require large projects.  They could pursue 
lots of small ones and quickly synthesize enough of a market for space 
services that the private sector would build the REAL WORKING space 
industry we actually need.  The history of Adam Smith vs Karl Marx and 
the market vs communism is on my side in this argument and very clearly 
against JSC and its minions.  The fact that aerospace contractors prefer 
to be spoon-fed government capital rather than risking their own is not 
sufficient justification to ignore history and stew in this kind of 
political garbage.  When you're 85 years old and still sitting in a high 
chair drooling Gerbers, maybe it's time to either pick up the spoon and 
feed yourself or (horrors) RETIRE ALREADY!
Lots of small projects also have the political advantage of spreading
out the money across districts so as to "buy constituency" but
in a way that is difficult to manipulate politically.  In other words,
you depoliticize space with small diverse projects, but you still
have constituency.  Combine that with the synthesis of a commercial
market, which makes Adam Smith instead of Karl Marx work for you,
and you have a compelling argument for axing JSC/Fred et al and
going small science, exclusively.
>To eliminate the
>very considerable waste one sees in political managed activities, I recommend
>finding ways of changing the fundamental situation, not wasting time going
>after a fairly minor player (NASA) in a very nasty game.
Waste isn't the problem.  If JSC were simply wasting the money we
send it, I wouldn't give a hoot.  JSC is, quite deliberately and for
obvious reasons, making it virtually impossible to raise real private 
space capital (as opposed to politically connected space capital).  If 
you want to talk about a "nasty game" talk about THAT game.  Kill 
JSC DEAD DEAD DEAD and we might have a chance of creating markets for 
space goods and services thereby attracting private capital to the
field.  Then we could get on with dealing with the real problems that
affect our technology competitiveness which related to needed fixes in 
our securities laws and tax policies -- not which big techno-project
to blow our wad on for the next N decades.
Jim Bowery      619/295-3164               The Coalition for
PO Box 1981                                   Science and
La Jolla, CA 92038                             Commerce