[net.music] Android Sisters are from the ZBS serial 'Ruby'

coggs@sunybcs.UUCP (Robert Coggeshall) (09/26/84)

> Periodically on our local public radio stations I hear selected songs by the
> "Android Sisters".  These are typically New Wave/Electronic in style and also
> very funny.  I've asked at a couple of record stores, but I haven't found
> anything more about them.  Does anyone have more information about them?
> -- 
Those songs are from the Sci-Fi radio serial 'Ruby' produced by ZBS media
of Ft. Edward NY. The story is about Ruby, a galactic gumshoe hired to
find out who is manipulating reality. Very entertaining. I'm sure if you 
write ZBS, They will give you ordering information. 

Ruby was also rebroadcast by national public radio a while back.
Bob Coggeshall       uucp:[bbncca,decvax,dual,rocksanne,watmath]!sunybcs!coggs
SUNY/Buffalo Computer Science                              csnet:coggs@buffalo 
arpanet:coggs.buffalo@csnet-relay                          voice:(716)636-3180
Do androids dream of electronic sheep ?
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