[misc.kids] JEDI

robertj@tekgen.BV.TEK.COM (Robert Jaquiss) (06/08/90)


     I received the following newsltter and scanned it with an optical scanner.
If there are any errors I apologize.  If you want more information; please
use the JEDI contact as shown below.  Thank you.

	Robert Jaquiss

Internet: robertj@tekgen.bv.tek.com

Vol. 'i, "Issue 2    U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia      
  May 1990 

Greetings once again from JEDI central! This is the second
"JEdIgram" to bring you up-to-date on late-breaking developments on
the Joint Education Initiative. This is an effort by the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) in association with the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), The Smithsonian Institution,
the American Chemical Society and other organizations to strengthen
the teaching of science in elementary and secondary schools by
sharing scientific data through the revolutionary storage medium
called CD-ROM.

The JEDI Teachers' Workshop, scheduled for July 9-27, is coming
along nicely, thanks to the outstanding efforts of Jim Sproull
(McLean High School , VA) and Mary Orzech (USGS). Twenty teachers
representing 9 states from across the country have been selected to
participate in the workshop. Donna Scholz, a senior scientist from
TGS Technology working out of the Eros Data Center, Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, will be conducting a 2-day tutorial on the basics of
digital data, remote sensing, image processing and geographic
information systems (GIS).

Industry participation in JEDI continues to grow. Thus far, we have
firm commitments from 6 different CD-ROM drive manufacturers for at
least 20 CD-ROM dri ves to be donated to schools of teachers
associated with JEdI. These manufacturers are as follows: Shinano
Kenshi Corporation (SKC), Hitachi Corporation, Laser Magnetic
Storage, Inc.(LMSI), NEC, SONY, and Toshiba.

We are hoping to make a major announcement very soon concerning the
donation of 20 complete CD-ROM computer systems. These systems will
include CD-ROM readers and will be used during the JEDI Workshop and
subsequently placed in the schools of the participating teachers.

Can you help with our JEDI Wish-List? We need contributions, large
or small, to help with incidental expenses that include: (1) housing
for seven out-of-town teachers; (2) text books for Remote Sensing
Applications graduate course; (3) transportation expenses for
teachers from California, Idaho, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wyoming;
(4) chartered bus for teacher's field trip to Charlottesville,
Virginia; and (5) other workshop expenses. If your organization can
help, please contact our industry liason, Dr. Roger Hutchinson, (CD
ROM Inc. , 303-231-9373).

There is quite a variety of educational CD-ROM discs already
available in the marketplace. We are tal.ing with the producers of
many of these titles and already have commitments for at least 20
copies of each of the following products:

Electronic Whole Earth Catalog - Broderbund Software, San Rafael,
CA (800) 5216263

World Fact Book - 1989 - Quanta Press, St. Paul, MN - (612)

Classical Record Catalog  - Nimbus Information Systems,
Ruckersville, VA

Birds of America and Shakespeare on disc! - CMC Research, Inc.,
Portland OR (800) 262-7668

I Speak English - 'Lntcl--hnica International inc., Midwest City,
OK (800) 5943663

Voyage to the Planets - Astronomical Research Network, Maplewood,
MN (612) 4885178

As we indicated last time, the CD-ROM discs which are now being
prepared will provide the JEDI Workshop participants with a rich
assortment of scientific databases and "visualization" software upon
which an innovative set of activity materials can be developed. Once
the activity materials have been developed, we plan to release a
limited number of preliminary JEDI packages to 25 to 50 "beta" sites
for initial shakedown during the August-September timeframe. The
beta sites will be supplied with CD-ROM drives donated by
participating drive manufacturers.

In addition to beta sites, we also envision an even larger number
(perhaps 200 or so ) of JEDI "evaluation" sites. These sites must
provide their own hardware (IBM or compatibles, 286 class or higher
class) but will receive the full set of JEDI discs and teaching
materials. If you would like to be a JEDI evaluation site, please
complete the form included with this JEdIgram and return it to Mary
Orzech at the indicated address.

Well. that's about it for this JEdIgram. We'll be back soon with
another update. Keep those cards and letters coming!

                         E. J.
                         Compute Scientist

JEdI Contact:

Mary Orzech
U.S. Geological Survey
912 National Center
Reston, VA 22092-9998
Phone:(703) 648-6631
Fax:(703) 648-6683

                   JEdI EVALUATION SITE REQUEST

Yes, I want to be included as an Evaluation Site in the JEDI
project. I am providing the information below concerning the
computer equipment my school currently has.
Please advise us of any equipment deficiencies or recommend
additional equipment to qualify as a JEDI Evaluation Site.

Name of Requesting Teacher:

     Home Mailing Address:


          Grade(s) Taught:                 Subject(s) Taught:

Name of School Principal:

          School Address:

Information concerning school's existing computer system:
IBM (or Compatible) Model/Type Macintosh Model/Type
System Speed: MHZ
Hard Disk Size: MB RAM KB
Video Card/Monitor: Mono CGA EGA VGA Super VGA Other
The following is nice to have but not required for Evaluation
Modem: Yes or No       Speed         bps     Dedicated Line: Yes   
or   No

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Return form to the JEDI Contact:

Mary Orzech
U.S. Geological Survey
912 National Center
Reston, VA 22092