[misc.jobs] British University student looking for summer employment

au@ukc.UUCP (02/09/87)

I am hoping that this news item will help in finding some computer based
employment for part of my stay in North America during Summer 1987.

I am currently a university student, studying for a first honors degree in
Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Kent at Canterbury in the
United Kingdom.  I am currently a second year student, and have a further year
of study before completing my course.  I am intending to spend the summer of
1987 in North America (U.S. and/or Canada) to tour and to work. 

For the last two years during every vacation I have been working for a major
Apple Computer dealer in this country.  I therefore have considerable experience
within this type of organisation and with most Apple Equipment (though mostly
with Apple Macintoshes).

I am obtaining the necessary work visa and other needed documents (for either
the US or Canada) through an organisation called BUNAC (British Universities
North America Club), a charitable exchange organisation which works in
conjunction with the U.S. and Canadian governments.

I am planning to arrive in North America in the first few days of July and would
be available for work for a two month period from that date onwards. If you know
of suitable employment, or know of anyone  who might I should be most grateful
if you could email me as soon as possible with your normal postal address.  I
would then send you by normal post my curriculum vitae, a photograph of myself
and any other information that you might require. 

If you are in need of any other information about myself please do not hesitate
to email me.  

Antony Upward

Post: Antony Upward                 Email: ukc!au
      110 Joy Lane                         au@ukc.ac.uk
      Whitstable                           au@ukc
      Kent				   ...!mcvax!ukc!au
      CT5 4EW
      United Kingdom