[sci.med] HICN225 News Part 6/7

ATW1H%ASUACAD.BITNET@oac.ucla.edu (Dr David Dodell) (06/21/89)

--- begin part 6 of 7 cut here ---
    Has HIV infection, risk not
      specified                        13            28

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue        28 ( 13)      17 (  6)
Undetermined                            9 (  4)      13 (  5)
Pediatric subtotal                    220 (100)     285 (100)

TOTAL                               2,734         3,727

  * See technical notes.
 ** Includes 1 tissue recipient and 2 transfusion recipients who received
    blood screened for HIV antibody.
*** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
    AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
    includes  2,313 adults/adolescents ( 49 children) under investigation;
    563 adults/adolescents (  7 children) who died, were lost to follow-up,
    or refused interview; and  371 adults/adolescents ( 0 children) whose
    mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Table 3.  AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and sex,
  reported June 1987 through May 1988 and June 1988 through
  May 1989; and cumulative totals, by age group and exposure
  category, through May 1989, United States

                                    June 1987-     June 1988-      Cumulative
ADULT/ADOLESCENT                    May  1988      May  1989         Total
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Male homosexual/bisexual contact   16,196 ( 60)  18,684 ( 57)    58,389  ( 61)

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

Intravenous (IV) drug use
  (female and heterosexual male)    5,766 ( 21)   7,656 ( 23)    19,497  ( 20)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                   1,962 (  7)   2,069 (  6)     6,824  (  7)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       273 (  1)     306 (  1)       912  (  1)
Heterosexual contact:               1,197 (  4)   1,675 (  5)     4,305  (  5)

  Sex with IV drug user               599           948           2,087
  Sex with bisexual male               90            79             276
  Sex with person with hemophilia      16            12              37
  Born in Pattern-II* country         341           379           1,404
  Sex with person born in
    Pattern-II country                 24            20              64
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                 21            29              63
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified     106           208             374

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
  blood components, or tissue**       807 (  3)     796 (  2)     2,361  (  2)
Other/undetermined***                 807 (  3)   1,674 (  5)     3,273  (  3)
Adult/adolescent subtotal          27,008 (100)  32,860 (100)    95,561  (100)

PEDIATRIC (<13 years old)

Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        28 (  6)      36 (  6)        94  (  6)
Mother with/at risk for AIDS/
  HIV infection:                      371 ( 77)     500 ( 81)     1,293  ( 79)

    IV drug use                       194           241             672
    Sex with IV drug user              75           103             257
    Sex with bisexual male              9            11              29
    Sex with person with hemophilia     5             1               7
    Born in Pattern-II country         36            54             149
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country             1             3               5
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                1             7               8
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified    11            25              50
    Receipt of transfusion of blood,
      blood components, or tissue      11             8              26
    Has HIV infection, risk not
      specified                        28            47              90

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue        68 ( 14)      52 (  8)       189  ( 12)
Undetermined                           15 (  3)      30 (  5)        56  (  3)
Pediatric subtotal                    482 (100)     618 (100)     1,632  (100)

TOTAL                              27,490        33,478          97,193

  * See technical notes.

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

 ** Includes 1 tissue recipient and 2 transfusion recipients who received
    blood screened for HIV antibody.
*** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
    AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
    includes  2,313 adults/adolescents ( 49 children) under investigation;
    563 adults/adolescents (  7 children) who died, were lost to follow-up,
    or refused interview; and  371 adults/adolescents ( 0 children) whose
    mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Table 4.  AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and race/ethnicity,
  reported through May 1989, United States

                                    White, not     Black, not
ADULT/ADOLESCENT                     Hispanic       Hispanic       Hispanic
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Male homosexual/bisexual contact   42,357 ( 77)   9,367 ( 37)     6,064  ( 42)
Intravenous (IV) drug use
  (female and heterosexual male)    3,909 (  7)   9,731 ( 38)     5,764  ( 40)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                   4,062 (  7)   1,743 (  7)       986  (  7)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       761 (  1)      58 (  0)        71  (  0)
Heterosexual contact:                 845 (  2)   2,753 ( 11)       673  (  5)

  Sex with IV drug user               468         1,058             549
  Sex with bisexual male              146            88              37
  Sex with person with hemophilia      32             3               1
  Born in Pattern-II* country           4         1,386               9
  Sex with person born in
    Pattern-II country                 18            42               4
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                 48             7               5
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified     129           169              68

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
  blood components, or tissue**     1,742 (  3)     360 (  1)       206  (  1)
Other/undetermined***               1,239 (  2)   1,264 (  5)       701  (  5)
Adult/adolescent subtotal          54,915 (100)  25,276 (100)    14,465  (100)

PEDIATRIC (<13 years old)

Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        67 ( 18)      11 (  1)        13  (  4)
Mother with/at risk for AIDS/
  HIV infection:                      192 ( 51)     785 ( 90)       306  ( 82)

    IV drug use                        89           397             182
    Sex with IV drug user              41           131              84
    Sex with bisexual male             11            15               3
    Sex with person with hemophilia     5             1               1
    Born in Pattern-II country          2           146               1
    Sex with person born

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      in Pattern-II country             _             4               _
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                5             2               1
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified     9            24              15
    Receipt of transfusion of blood,
      blood components, or tissue       9            11               6
    Has HIV infection, risk not
      specified                        21            54              13

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue       102 ( 27)      44 (  5)        40  ( 11)
Undetermined                           12 (  3)      32 (  4)        12  (  3)
Pediatric subtotal                    373 (100)     872 (100)       371  (100)

TOTAL                              55,288        26,148          14,836

   * See technical notes.
  ** Includes 1 tissue recipient and 2 transfusion recipients who received
     blood screened for HIV antibody.
 *** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
     AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
     includes  2,313 adults/adolescents ( 49 children) under investigation;
     563 adults/adolescents (  7 children) who died, were lost to follow-up,
     or refused interview; and  371 adults/adolescents ( 0 children) whose
     mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.

Table 4.  AIDS cases by age group, exposure category, and race/ethnicity,
  reported through May 1989, United States

                                     Asian/        Indian/
                                    Pacific        Alaskan
ADULT/ADOLESCENT                    Islander        Native          Total*****
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Male homosexual/bisexual contact      432 ( 76)      58 ( 51)    58,389  ( 61)
Intravenous (IV) drug use
  (female and heterosexual male)       20 (  4)      19 ( 17)    19,497  ( 20)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                       8 (  1)      16 ( 14)     6,824  (  7)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        12 (  2)       6 (  5)       912  (  1)
Heterosexual contact:                  19 (  3)       7 (  6)     4,305  (  5)

  Sex with IV drug user                 7             3           2,087
  Sex with bisexual male                4             _             276
  Sex with person with hemophilia       1             _              37
  Born in Pattern-II* country           2             _           1,404
  Sex with person born in
    Pattern-II country                  _             _              64
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                  2             _              63

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified       3             4             374

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
  blood components, or tissue**        45 (  8)       3 (  3)     2,361  (  2)
Other/undetermined***                  35 (  6)       5 (  4)     3,273  (  3)
Adult/adolescent subtotal             571 (100)     114 (100)    95,561  (100)

PEDIATRIC (<13 years old)

Hemophilia/coagulation disorder         3 ( 33)       _ (  .)        94  (  6)
Mother with/at risk for AIDS/
  HIV infection:                        3 ( 33)       3 (100)     1,293  ( 79)

    IV drug use                         1             2             672
    Sex with IV drug user               _             _             257
    Sex with bisexual male              _             _              29
    Sex with person with hemophilia     _             _               7
    Born in Pattern-II country          _             _             149
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country             _             _               5
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                _             _               8
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified     1             _              50
    Receipt of transfusion of blood,
      blood components, or tissue       _             _              26
    Has HIV infection, risk not
      specified                         1             1              90

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue         3 ( 33)       _ (  .)       189  ( 12)
Undetermined                            _ (  .)       _ (  .)        56  (  3)
Pediatric subtotal                      9 (100)       3 (100)     1,632  (100)

TOTAL                                 580           117          97,193

   * See technical notes.
  ** Includes 1 tissue recipient and 2 transfusion recipients who received
     blood screened for HIV antibody.
 *** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
     AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
     includes  2,313 adults/adolescents ( 49 children) under investigation;
     563 adults/adolescents (  7 children) who died, were lost to follow-up,
     or refused interview; and  371 adults/adolescents ( 0 children) whose
     mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after investigation.
**** Includes 224 persons whose race/ethnicity is unknown.

Table 5.  Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by sex, exposure category, and
  race/ethnicity, reported through May 1989, United States

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

                                    White, not     Black, not
MALE                                 Hispanic       Hispanic       Hispanic
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Male homosexual/bisexual contact   42,357 ( 81)   9,367 ( 45)     6,064  ( 47)
Intravenous (IV) drug use
  (heterosexual)                    2,961 (  6)   7,189 ( 34)     4,870  ( 38)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                   4,062 (  8)   1,743 (  8)       986  (  8)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       741 (  1)      54 (  0)        71  (  1)
Heterosexual contact:                 260 (  0)   1,429 (  7)       109  (  1)

  Sex with IV drug user               168           314              75
  Sex with person with hemophilia       2             1               _
  Born in Pattern-II country            2         1,033               6
  Sex with person born in
    Pattern-II country                 18            17               4
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                 10             4               _
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified      60            60              24

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
  blood components, or tissue       1,141 (  2)     182 (  1)       120  (  1)
Other/undetermined                  1,061 (  2)     929 (  4)       590  (  5)
Male subtotal                      52,583 (100)  20,893 (100)    12,810  (100)


IV drug use                           948 ( 41)   2,542 ( 58)       894  ( 54)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        20 (  1)       4 (  0)         _  (  .)
Heterosexual contact:                 585 ( 25)   1,324 ( 30)       564  ( 34)

    Sex with IV drug user             300           744             474
    Sex with bisexual male            146            88              37
    Sex with person with hemophilia    30             2               1
    Born in Pattern-II country          2           353               3
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country             _            25               _
    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection               38             3               5
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified    69           109              44

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue       601 ( 26)     178 (  4)        86  (  5)
Other/undetermined                    178 (  8)     335 (  8)       111  (  7)
Female subtotal                     2,332 (100)   4,383 (100)     1,655  (100)

TOTAL                              54,915        25,276          14,465

   * See technical notes.
  ** Includes 2 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

 *** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
     AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
     includes  2,313 adults/adolescents under investigation;  563 persons
     who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and  371
     persons whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after

Table 5.  Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by sex, exposure category, and
  race/ethnicity, reported through May 1989, United States

                                     Asian/        Indian/
                                    Pacific        Alaskan
MALE                                Islander        Native          Total****
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                    No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Male homosexual/bisexual contact      432 ( 83)      58 ( 61)    58,389  ( 67)
Intravenous (IV) drug use
  (heterosexual)                       11 (  2)       8 (  8)    15,082  ( 17)
Male homosexual/bisexual contact
  and IV drug use                       8 (  2)      16 ( 17)     6,824  (  8)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder        12 (  2)       6 (  6)       888  (  1)
Heterosexual contact:                   4 (  1)       1 (  1)     1,806  (  2)

  Sex with IV drug user                 1             1             559
  Sex with person with hemophilia       _             _               3
  Born in Pattern-II country            2             _           1,044
  Sex with person born in
    Pattern-II country                  _             _              39
  Sex with transfusion recipient
    with HIV infection                  1             _              16
  Sex with person with HIV
    infection, risk not specified       _             _             145

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
  blood components, or tissue          29 (  6)       1 (  1)     1,478  (  2)
Other/undetermined                     27 (  5)       5 (  5)     2,633  (  3)
Male subtotal                         523 (100)      95 (100)    87,100  (100)


IV drug use                             9 ( 19)      11 ( 58)     4,415  ( 52)
Hemophilia/coagulation disorder         _ (  .)       _ (  .)        24  (  0)
Heterosexual contact:                  15 ( 31)       6 ( 32)     2,499  ( 30)

    Sex with IV drug user               6             2           1,528
    Sex with bisexual male              4             _             276
    Sex with person with hemophilia     1             _              34
    Born in Pattern-II country          _             _             360
    Sex with person born
      in Pattern-II country             _             _              25

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

    Sex with transfusion recipient
      with HIV infection                1             _              47
    Sex with person with HIV
      infection, risk not specified     3             4             229

Receipt of transfusion of blood,
    blood components, or tissue        16 ( 33)       2 ( 11)       883  ( 10)
Other/undetermined                      8 ( 17)       _ (  .)       640  (  8)
Female subtotal                        48 (100)      19 (100)     8,461  (100)

TOTAL                                 571           114          95,561

   * See technical notes.
  ** Includes 2 transfusion recipients who received blood screened for HIV
 *** "Other" is 1 health-care worker who seroconverted to HIV and developed
     AIDS after needlestick exposure to HIV-infected blood.  "Undetermined"
     includes  2,313 adults/adolescents under investigation;  563 persons
     who died, were lost to follow-up, or refused interview; and  371
     persons whose mode of exposure to HIV remains undetermined after
**** Includes 196 males and   24 females whose race/ethnicity is unknown.

Table 6.  AIDS cases by sex, age at diagnosis, and race/ethnicity,
  reported through May 1989, United States

                                    White, not     Black, not
MALES                                Hispanic       Hispanic       Hispanic
AGE AT DIAGNOSIS (YEARS)             No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Under 5                               126 (  0)     389 (  2)       177  (  1)
 5-12                                 104 (  0)      52 (  0)        30  (  0)
13-19                                 157 (  0)      89 (  0)        55  (  0)
20-24                               1,965 (  4)   1,056 (  5)       614  (  5)
25-29                               8,045 ( 15)   3,524 ( 17)     2,232  ( 17)
30-34                              12,454 ( 24)   5,473 ( 26)     3,396  ( 26)
35-39                              11,553 ( 22)   4,855 ( 23)     2,786  ( 21)
40-44                               7,739 ( 15)   2,642 ( 12)     1,781  ( 14)
45-49                               4,531 (  9)   1,503 (  7)       891  (  7)
50-54                               2,622 (  5)     866 (  4)       519  (  4)
55-59                               1,712 (  3)     501 (  2)       315  (  2)
60-64                                 938 (  2)     246 (  1)       132  (  1)
65 or older                           867 (  2)     138 (  1)        89  (  1)
Male subtotal                      52,813 (100)  21,334 (100)    13,017  (100)


Under 5                               120 (  5)     381 (  8)       140  (  8)
 5-12                                  23 (  1)      50 (  1)        24  (  1)
13-19                                  15 (  1)      43 (  1)        12  (  1)
20-24                                 160 (  6)     278 (  6)       143  (  8)

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25-29                                 468 ( 19)     931 ( 19)       417  ( 23)
30-34                                 529 ( 21)   1,357 ( 28)       466  ( 26)
35-39                                 334 ( 13)     913 ( 19)       321  ( 18)
40-44                                 188 (  8)     418 (  9)       147  (  8)
45-49                                  97 (  4)     187 (  4)        65  (  4)
50-54                                  87 (  4)     107 (  2)        31  (  2)
55-59                                  97 (  4)      61 (  1)        24  (  1)
60-64                                  94 (  4)      40 (  1)        15  (  1)
65 or older                           263 ( 11)      48 (  1)        14  (  1)
Female subtotal                     2,475 (100)   4,814 (100)     1,819  (100)

TOTAL                              55,288        26,148          14,836

Table 6.  AIDS cases by sex, age at diagnosis, and race/ethnicity,
  reported through May 1989, United States

                                     Asian/        Indian/
                                    Pacific        Alaskan
MALES                               Islander        Native           Total*
AGE AT DIAGNOSIS (YEARS)             No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Under 5                                 3 (  1)       1 (  1)       698  (  1)
 5-12                                   3 (  1)       _ (  .)       190  (  0)
13-19                                   5 (  1)       2 (  2)       309  (  0)
20-24                                  22 (  4)       8 (  8)     3,672  (  4)
25-29                                  66 ( 12)      14 ( 15)    13,901  ( 16)
30-34                                 114 ( 22)      28 ( 29)    21,508  ( 24)
35-39                                 115 ( 22)      18 ( 19)    19,374  ( 22)
40-44                                  75 ( 14)      10 ( 10)    12,282  ( 14)
45-49                                  61 ( 12)       7 (  7)     7,008  (  8)
50-54                                  28 (  5)       3 (  3)     4,050  (  5)
55-59                                  17 (  3)       3 (  3)     2,558  (  3)
60-64                                   6 (  1)       2 (  2)     1,328  (  2)
65 or older                            14 (  3)       _ (  .)     1,110  (  1)
Male subtotal                         529 (100)      96 (100)    87,988  (100)


Under 5                                 1 (  2)       2 ( 10)       645  (  7)
 5-12                                   2 (  4)       _ (  .)        99  (  1)
13-19                                   1 (  2)       1 (  5)        72  (  1)
20-24                                   2 (  4)       _ (  .)       587  (  6)
25-29                                   4 (  8)       3 ( 14)     1,830  ( 20)
30-34                                  14 ( 27)       8 ( 38)     2,381  ( 26)
35-39                                   5 ( 10)       3 ( 14)     1,580  ( 17)
40-44                                   8 ( 16)       1 (  5)       762  (  8)
45-49                                   4 (  8)       _ (  .)       355  (  4)
50-54                                   3 (  6)       1 (  5)       229  (  2)
55-59                                   1 (  2)       _ (  .)       183  (  2)
60-64                                   3 (  6)       1 (  5)       153  (  2)

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65 or older                             3 (  6)       1 (  5)       329  (  4)
Female subtotal                        51 (100)      21 (100)     9,205  (100)

TOTAL                                 580           117          97,193

 * Includes  224 persons whose race/ethnicity is unknown.

Table 7.  AIDS deaths and case-fatality rates, by half-year of diagnosis
  and age group, diagnosed through May 1989, United States

                             Adults/adolescents         Children<13 years old
HALF-YEAR OF DIAGNOSIS    Cases    Deaths    Rate      Cases    Deaths    Rate

Before 1981                  77        63    81.8          6         4    66.7
1981 Jan.-June               87        80    92.0          7         5    71.4
     July-Dec.              194       178    91.8          5         5   100.0
1982 Jan.-June              380       342    90.0         13        10    76.9
     July-Dec.              653       587    89.9         14        11    78.6
1983 Jan.-June            1,245     1,135    91.2         34        30    88.2
     July-Dec.            1,600     1,455    90.9         40        28    70.0
1984 Jan.-June            2,493     2,142    85.9         47        40    85.1
     July-Dec.            3,283     2,856    87.0         60        44    73.3
1985 Jan.-June            4,669     4,001    85.7         93        62    66.7
     July-Dec.            6,025     5,026    83.4        125        91    72.8
1986 Jan.-June            7,836     6,224    79.4        127        86    67.7
     July-Dec.            9,398     6,849    72.9        157        98    62.4
1987 Jan.-June           11,750     7,703    65.6        196       111    56.6
     July-Dec.           12,887     6,676    51.8        221       111    50.2
1988 Jan.-June           13,740     5,452    39.7        187        76    40.6
     July-Dec.           12,931     3,749    29.0        215        58    27.0
1989 Jan.-May             6,313     1,055    16.7         85        25    29.4

Total                    95,561    55,573    58.2      1,632       895    54.8

Table 8.  AIDS cases by year of diagnosis and definition category, diagnosed
  through May 1989, United States

                                                Year of diagnosis
                                     Before        June 1985-      June 1986-
                                    June 1985      May  1986       May  1987
DEFINITION CATEGORY*                 No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Pre-1987 definition                13,879 ( 98)  12,465 ( 92)    18,476  ( 88)
1987 definition:                      234 (  2)   1,032 (  8)     2,415  ( 12)
  Specific disease

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Volume  2, Number 25                                            June 20, 1989

   presumptively diagnosed            108           551           1,325
  Specific disease
   definitively diagnosed              75           172             329
  HIV encephalopathy                   19            86             266
  HIV wasting syndrome                 32           223             495

TOTAL                              14,113 (100)  13,497 (100)    20,891  (100)

 * Persons who meet the criteria for more than one definition category are
   classifed in the definition category listed first.

Table 8.  AIDS cases by year of diagnosis and definition category, diagnosed
  through May 1989, United States

                                                Year of diagnosis
                                    June 1987-     June 1988-      Cumulative
                                    May  1988      May  1989         total
DEFINITION CATEGORY*                 No.   (%)      No.  (%)        No.   (%)

Pre-1987 definition                19,981 ( 75)  15,225 ( 69)    80,026  ( 82)
1987 definition:                    6,734 ( 25)   6,752 ( 31)    17,167  ( 18)
  Specific disease
   presumptively diagnosed          3,686         3,764           9,434
  Specific disease
   definitively diagnosed             554           428           1,558
  HIV encephalopathy                  868           795           2,034
  HIV wasting syndrome              1,626         1,765           4,141

TOTAL                              26,715 (100)  21,977 (100)    97,193  (100)

 * Persons who meet the criteria for more than one definition category are
   classifed in the definition category listed first.

Table 9.  Adult/adolescent AIDS cases by single and multiple exposure
  categories reported through May 1989, United States

                                                                    AIDS cases
EXPOSURE CATEGORY                                                  No.    (%)

 Male homosexual/bisexual contact                                56,083  ( 59)
 Intravenous (IV) drug use (female and heterosexual male)        16,768  ( 18)
 Hemophilia/coagulation disorder                                    542  (  1)
 Heterosexual contact                                             4,079  (  4)
 Receipt of transfusion of blood, blood component, or tissue      2,361  (  2)

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