[misc.legal] Legal Software Recommendations

uchuck@uncmed.med.unc.edu (10/09/90)

I am going to purchase a Legal software package.  Its main purpose will be
to create and modify *valid* self-attesting wills for myself and my
spouse.  In addition, the ability to write other binding documents such as
Power of Attorney, Promissory Notes, simple Contracts, etc. would be a
bonus.  I am not attempting to become an Attorney nor do I want to
circumvent their utility.  I just want to be able to do some simple
things myself!

I know of two packages available.  One is called "Willmaker" by Nolo Press
and the other is "Personal Lawyer" by Bloc Publishing.  I would appreciate
any information regarding these and/or other similar packages.  I will be
glad to summarize and post the results (comments will be kept anonymous).

Chuck Bennett   uchuck@unc.bitnet

James_G_Grennan@cup.portal.com (10/13/90)

Your question is the answer!  After purchasing and using the software
to prepare a will, etc., do you then know that you have a valid, legal,
and enforceable will in the state where the will is executed?  The
llegal requirements for a valid will vary from state to state.  Likewise,
have completed your will using the software, do you know that you have
included all the legal consequences that may arise if you have not
pproperly prepared your will?  One last thought, a lawyer himself will
usually heed the advise that:  "He who represents himself has a foll
(ops) fool for a client."  Suggestion:  If you use such software to
prepare your will, at least take the prepared will to a lawyer for
his advise as to its legality and its accomplishing that which you