lvc@tut.UUCP (11/23/87)
Here are some CRC references I had laying around (really!) in case anyone is interested. They are old, but still useful. Larry Cipriani P. E. Bourdread and R. F. Steen, "Cyclic Redundancy Checking by Program", AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 1971 Fall Joint Computer Conference, pp 9-15 E. Green, "An Efficient Error Detection Coding Algorithm for General Purpose Digital Computers", Third International Conference on Communications, Minneapolis, Minn, 1967 W. Peterson, "Cyclic Codes for Error Detection", Proceedings of the IRE, Jan 1961, pp 228-235 R. Swanson, "Understanding Cyclic Redundancy Codes", Computer Design, Nov 1975, pp 93-99 Suresh Vasa, "Calculating an Error Checking Character in Software", Computer Design, May 1976, pp 190-192 S. Wecker, "A Table-Lookup Algorithm for Software Computation of Cyclic Redundancy Check", Digital Equipment Corporation internal memorandum, Jan 1974. J. S. Whiting, "An Efficient Software Method for Implementing Polynomial Error Detection Codes", Computer Design, March 1975 pp 73-77 American National Standards Institute, "Proposed American National Standard for Advanced Data Communications Control Procedure (ADCCP)", ANSI document no. X3S34, Feb 1975 Digital Equipment Corporation, "DDCMP - Digital Data Communications Message Protocol", Version 3.02, August 1975