[misc.misc] FTS 2000 project an US SPRINT Co.

mes@gmdzi.UUCP (Bernd Messenbrink) (04/11/89)

Is there anyboddy, who can send or mail me the e-mail address of
US-SPRINT CO Tampa FL? Thanks in advance

German National Research Center For Information Science F.R.Germany
              Institute for systemtechnics               
P.O.BOX 1240                                            mes@gmdzi.UUCP 
Schloss Birlinhoven                                     mes@zi.gmd.dbp.de
Institut F2G2   	                                GSTMES@DBNGMD21.BITNET	
5205 Sankt Augustin 1    voice:+49 2241 14-2427  fax:  +49 2241 14-2889 