[misc.misc] EURISKO Information wanted.

jdb@dkstar.UUCP (Jon Bennett ) (05/04/89)

	I just finished a book by K. Eric Drexler called
	_Engines of Creation_.  In the book, Eric mentions
	a program developed by Douglas Lenat at Stanford University
	called EURISKO.  The descriptions of EURISKO sounded

	I was wondering if anyone out there in netland could 
	tell me more about EURISKO and where I could get some
	information about the program.  Is there a book!!??

	ANY information would be greatly appreciated.

	Reply via E-mail please.

	Thanks....	Jon

These postings are my own  and do not | Jon "There, that oughta do it" Bennett
represent the opinions of my employer |	jdb@dkstar.UUCP
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