(T. William Wells) (07/02/89)
This is the second call for votes on a new unmoderated group called news.newusers.questions. Those people whose votes I've already received are listed after the end of this call for votes. The charter for this group is: "A forum for relatively inexperienced users of Usenet to ask questions relating to Usenet and electronic mail. This is the place where you should feel free to ask that silly question you'd be embarrassed to ask in any other newsgroup." (I thought about it for a while and decided that one really has to include e-mail here since it is so intimately connected to Usenet.) What we get out of the new group: Helping new users become better at using Usenet and e-mail. Decreasing noise in other news groups. Removing some of the load from system administrators. Discovering new information that belongs in the news.announce.newusers postings. I'm expecting that the range of questions would include (but certainly wouldn't be limited to): I asked a question about abbreviations on the net and was told to RTFM. What does RTFM mean? I was told that I should have read news.announce.newusers. But when I subscribed there was nothing there. What do I do now? I want <pick your newsreader> to do X, how do I get it to? What does mean and how to I send e-mail to him? What is patch? I want to ask "?" but I can't figure out which newsgroups are appropriate. What do you suggest? I just got flamed for "Z", what are the rules here? I'm changing jobs and want to stay connected to the net, what should I do? I'm looking for a newsreader that will do X, does one exist? What's a good newsgroup for keeping on top of "what's going on" in netland? What is my e-mail address and how should I put it into my signature? To vote, you send a message to one of two addresses. If you want the group to be created, send a message to ; if you do not want the group to be created, send your message to . The contents of the message are irrelevant; I will classify them solely by which address they are sent to. If you can't get to , there are several alternate addresses. Some Internet and BITNET sites may not recognize my address; if your vote bounces, try . If you are a UUCP site and don't have the foggiest idea what to do with this kind of address, you can still vote if you can route to uunet. For that method, the route starting at uunet is uunet!twwells!newusers-yes . If you are on another net, you are on your own. :-) Of course, you can do the same things for the newusers-no mailbox. Votes sent to my personal account, which includes replies to this posting, will be ignored. The voting ends on July 18. Followups to this message should be posted in news.groups. --- Bill { uunet | novavax | ankh | sunvice } !twwells!bill --- These are the votes I've received so far: Alan J Holmes <uunet!NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK!> Allen Perkins <uunet!pmafire!adp> Andy Ingle <uunet!!andy> Anthony J Stieber <uunet!!astieber> Art Werschulz <uunet!!agw> Bengt Larsson <uunet!MATHS.LTH.Se!bengtl> Bernhard Ruef at Autelca <uunet!mcvax!hslrswi!ncr1!ruef> Bertil Jonell <uunet!!bertil> Bill Fenner <uunet!ECL.PSU.Edu!WCF> Bob Sloane <uunet!!SLOANE> Brian Miller <uunet!!brian> Charles J. Guest <uunet!!chguest> Clive Feather <uunet!ixi!clive> David C Lawrence <uunet!!tale> David Chalmers <uunet!!dave> David Wright <uunet!!dww> Dinesh K. Prabhu <uunet!!prabhu> Eddy Carroll <uunet!CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU!> Erik Naggum <uunet!!enag> Geoff Allen <uunet!pmafire!geoff> Germaine Leveque <uunet!!germaine> "Howard M. Kash" (Summer|jemion) <uunet!BRL.MIL!hmkash> Ignatius Tan <uunet!!ig> "J. Kivi Shapiro" <uunet!RELAY.CS.NET!> James Clark <uunet!jclark!jjc> Jeff Beadles <uunet!RELAY.CS.NET!> Jeff Chan <uunet!!chan> Jeff Makey <uunet!LOGICON.ARPA!Makey> Jim Davis <uunet!SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU!POSTMASTER> "John A. Ockerbloom" <uunet!YALE.ARPA!ockerbloom-john> John Bromell <uunet!!jyb> Karen Ward <uunet!RELAY.CS.NET!> "Ken Kaufman" <uunet!!kaufman> Kenneth A. Burgess <uunet!!kburgess> Lenny Glassmann <uunet!!glassmann> Lez Oxley <uunet!NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK!> Louis J. Vroomen <uunet!datac.McRCIM.McGill.EDU!vroomen> Matt S Wartell <uunet!!msw> Michael Sanderson <uunet!!sanders> Mitchell Spector <uunet!!sumax!spector> Norman Joseph <uunet!!rt1!ditka!oglvee!norm> Patt Haring <uunet!!patth> Peter B. Hayward <uunet!!pbhx> "REED CHRISTIANSEN" <uunet!!christiansen> "R.M. O'Neill" <uunet!!cmp7130> Rich Hemmer <uunet!philabs.Philips.Com!vampire> Rich Salz <uunet!!rsalz> Roger Leroux <uunet!!rleroux1> Ron Bradley RCE <uunet!!bradley> Roy Smith <uunet!phri!!roy> Samuel B. Bassett <uunet!!samlb> Scott Huddleston <uunet!RELAY.CS.NET!> Seth Robertson <uunet!!sethr> Steven Zepp <uunet!!stevenz> "Terry Roebuck, 56 Physics; 966-4841" <uunet!!ROEBUCK%ADSY05.USask.CA> Theodore Ts'o <uunet!ATHENA.MIT.EDU!tytso> "Tim J Ihde" <uunet!!tim> Timo Kiravuo <uunet!!kiravuo> Timo Salmi LASK<uunet!!ts> "Tom Magliery (Mag)" <uunet!!magliery> bigbroth!rk (T. William Wells) brendan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Brendan Kehoe) sleepy!bugs!anthis (mike anthis) uunet!Atherton.COM!hpda!ericb (Eric Black) uunet!Galaxia.Newport.RI.US!dave (David H. Brierley) uunet!NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK! uunet!Sun.COM!portal!!Tim_CDC_Roberts uunet!!slabovit (Stuart L. Labovitz) uunet!!anuxh!jpw uunet!!arrom (Ken Arromdee (600.429)) uunet!!ames!kosman.UUCP!root (Root) uunet!!claris!skip (Brian Schipper) uunet!att!cblph!lml uunet!bcstec!uucp uunet!!wiml (William Lewis) uunet!!jcm (Jim Metzger) uunet!!berger (AFTERBURNER) uunet!!ckd%bucsb.BU.EDU (Christopher K Davis) uunet!!PHYS140 uunet!cbnews.ATT.COM!bhs (bruce.h.simon) uunet!cbnewsh.ATT.COM!wcs (Bill Stewart 201-949-0705!wcs) uunet!cbnewsm.ATT.COM!tab (Tracey Baker) uunet!!heiby (Ron Heiby) uunet!!motmpl!ron (Ron Widell) uunet!!mackeown uunet!!dave (Dave England) uunet!!urban (Mark Urban-Lurain) uunet!!inebriae.WLK.COM!bill (Bill Kennedy) uunet!dcisea!david uunet!!paul (Paul Sutcliffe Jr.) uunet!dtix.ARPA!fred (Blonder) uunet!ecicrl!clewis (Chris Lewis) uunet!elf115!rec (Roger Critchlow) uunet!!nesel uunet!!poole (Steve Poole) uunet!!lewis (Matthew R. Lewis) uunet!enzyme.Berkeley.Edu!ichiro uunet!futures!fillorkill!scott (Scott Boyd) uunet!!rh26%prism (Howard,Robert L) uunet!!ray (Ray Moody) uunet!hal.CWRU.Edu!hal9000!root uunet!harvard!bunny!slzr (Suzanne Sluizer) uunet!icdi10!fr (Fred Rump from home) uunet!!paw (Hermansen Paw) uunet!kddlab!kddlab.kddlabs.junet!!feldmark uunet!killer.Dallas.TX.US!wnp (Wolf Paul) uunet!!tar (Tim Ramsey) uunet!!frank (Frank Mayhar) uunet!!tombre (Karl Tombre) uunet!!danielg (Daniel Gene Sinclair) uunet!!charlie (Charlie Geyer) uunet!microsoft!bethmo uunet!mimsy!!asuvax.anasaz!duane uunet!!larrym (Laurence Macgregor Michaels) uunet!!mju (Marc Unangst) uunet!!sjf (Susan J Flaster) uunet!!pgauvin (Pierre Gauvin) uunet!!gall (Norman R. Gall) uunet!!dwayne (Dwayne Herron) uunet!!bengsig (Bjorn Engsig) uunet!!shapetc!wilson (Tony Wilson) uunet!ora!ambar uunet!!rick (Richard H. Miller) uunet!phoenix.Princeton.EDU!djgrabin (David Joseph Grabiner) uunet!!limonce (Tom Limoncelli) uunet!prism.TMC.COM!billc (Bill Callahan) uunet!prism.TMC.COM!roskuski (Barry Roskuski) uunet!!chris uunet!rutgers!nirvo!kdg uunet!sco.COM!davidbe (David Bedno) uunet!sequent!ogccse!servio!bruce (Bruce Schuchardt) uunet!!jay (Jay "you ignorant splut!" Maynard) uunet!talos!kjones (Kyle Jones) uunet!tektronix.TEK.COM!fpssun.UUCP!sns4!mbn (Mike Northam ext 2651) uunet!thewev!root uunet!!msmith (Mark Robert Smith) uunet!!scott (Tim Scott) uunet!!rlk ( Richard L. Kruse II) uunet!tymix!antares.Tymnet.COM!dbilar (Dave Bilar) uunet!unido!isaak!zuse!woerz (Dieter Woerz) uunet!!night (Trip Martin) uunet!!wade uunet!!webber uunet!vicorp!charlie (Charlie Goldensher) uunet!watmath!watcgl!electro!carlo (Carlo Sgro) uunet!!susan (Susan C Wade) uunet!wubios.WUstl.EDU!phil (J. Philip Miller) uunet!!pjt (Larry Setlow)