(Alan M Stanier) (04/15/91)
Our user database is written in a dbms called UNIFY. It has been running with few problems for about 4 years, but now that all staff members who knew about UNIFY have left, our database has gone corrupt. We can get by with the system as it is, but would like to get it sorted out. But we cannot find who distributes UNIFY. We have an address in the States, but that was from 1984, and they are no longer listed in the phonebook. Does anyone out there know about UNIFY? Who produced it, and who (if anyone) are their UK distributors. Thanks -- Alan M Stanier | tel +44 206-872153 | Oral Gratification Specialist | fax +44 206-860585 | & Carpocratian Heretic (8-{)> (Doug Walker) (04/17/91)
In <> (Alan M Stanier) writes: >Does anyone out there know about UNIFY? Who produced it, and who (if anyone) >are their UK distributors. The Unify relational database was produced by Unify Corporation with Corporate headquarters in Sacramento, California. Here is the address specifics on their European headquarters which happens to be located in the UK: Unify Corporation (UK) Limited Egham, Surrey, England (0784) 471021 FAX: (0784) 437564 >-- > Alan M Stanier | tel +44 206-872153 | Oral Gratification Specialist > | fax +44 206-860585 | & Carpocratian Heretic (8-{)> -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doug Walker uunet!fdls!dougw -or- Oregon Department of Agriculture, Salem, Oregon (503) 378-3790 (04/17/91)
In article <>, (Alan M Stanier) writes: > Our user database is written in a dbms called UNIFY. It has been running > with few problems for about 4 years, but now that all staff members who > knew about UNIFY have left, our database has gone corrupt. > > We can get by with the system as it is, but would like to get it sorted > out. But we cannot find who distributes UNIFY. We have an address in the > States, but that was from 1984, and they are no longer listed in the > phonebook. > > Does anyone out there know about UNIFY? Who produced it, and who (if anyone) > are their UK distributors. > > Thanks > > > -- > Alan M Stanier | tel +44 206-872153 | Oral Gratification Specialist > | fax +44 206-860585 | & Carpocratian Heretic (8-{)> UNIFY CORP IS LOCATED IN CALIFORNIA. MY CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE IS TIM THOMAS AND IS LOCATED AT: 3901 LENNANE DRIVE SACRAMENTO, CA 95834-1922 PHONE: 916-928-6439 FAX : 916-928-6404 IM SURE IF YOU CALL THIS NUMBER THEY CAN POINT YOU IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
dan@ufycorp.Unify.Com (Daniel Welch) (04/18/91)
In article <> writes: >Our user database is written in a dbms called UNIFY. It has been running >with few problems for about 4 years, but now that all staff members who >knew about UNIFY have left, our database has gone corrupt. > >We can get by with the system as it is, but would like to get it sorted >out. But we cannot find who distributes UNIFY. We have an address in the >States, but that was from 1984, and they are no longer listed in the >phonebook. > >Does anyone out there know about UNIFY? Who produced it, and who (if anyone) >are their UK distributors. > >Thanks > > >-- > Alan M Stanier | tel +44 206-872153 | Oral Gratification Specialist > | fax +44 206-860585 | & Carpocratian Heretic (8-{)> Unify Corporation UK Prestige House 23-36 High Street Egham, Surrey England TW20 9DU 784-471021 FAX 784-437590 Tony Bowden US National Director Hope this helps. Unify also has a consultancy practice in Europe which also may be able to assist. Cheers! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan Welch "Entropy isn't what it Unify Corp. used to be. " dan@unify
bill@Unify.Com (Bill Osberg) (04/18/91)
In article <> writes: >Our user database is written in a dbms called UNIFY. It has been running >with few problems for about 4 years, but now that all staff members who >knew about UNIFY have left, our database has gone corrupt. > >We can get by with the system as it is, but would like to get it sorted >out. But we cannot find who distributes UNIFY. We have an address in the >States, but that was from 1984, and they are no longer listed in the >phonebook. > >Does anyone out there know about UNIFY? Who produced it, and who (if anyone) >are their UK distributors. Yes, Unify is still here! In fact, we sell and support our products direct in the U.K., where our European headquarters are based. The address is: Unify Corporation Prestige House 23-26 High Street Egham, Surrey The main phone number is 784-472626. -- Bill Osberg *-*-*-*-* bill@unify.UUCP Unify Corporation *-*-*-*-*-*-* <Insert standard Sacramento, CA *-*-* opinion disclaimer>
bruce@idsssd.UUCP (Bruce T. Harvey) (04/18/91)
in article <>, (Alan M Stanier) says: > ... we cannot find who distributes UNIFY. We have an address in the > States, but that was from 1984, and they are no longer listed in the > phonebook. UNIFY's Address (U.S.A.): UNIFY Corporation 3870 Rosin Court Sacramento, California 95834-1633 U.S.A. UNIFY's Phone: (800) 248-6439 (U.S.A.) (916) 920-9092 UNIFY's FAX: (916) 920-5306 Sorry. Don't know any UK or European distributor info, but these folks should be able to help you. They seem to be still going strong. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=v=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bruce T. Harvey {B-}) : UUCP/UseNet: ... cp1!sarin!wb3ffv!idsssd!bruce (bruce@idsssd.UUCP) : CompuServe: ... 72531,417 === GEnie: ... BT.HARVEY In*sight Dist. Sys.-SSD : America OnLine: BruceTHar (301)329-1100 x312,x352 : SnailMail: 222 Schilling Cir.- Hunt Valley, MD 21031 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=^=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= (David Harrington) (04/24/91)
In article <1991Apr18.124715.12545@idsssd.UUCP>, bruce@idsssd.UUCP (Bruce T. Harvey) writes: > UNIFY's Address (U.S.A.): UNIFY Corporation > 3870 Rosin Court > Sacramento, California > 95834-1633 U.S.A. We've moved to: 3901 Lennane Drive Sacramento CA 95834 (916) 928-6400 voice (916) 928-6401 fax -- David Harrington internet: dgh@eire.unify.COM Director, ACCELL Development ...!{csusac,pyramid}!unify!eire!dgh Unify Corporation voice: +1 916 928-6255 3901 Lennane Drive, Sacramento, CA 95834 fax: +1 916 928-6401