[misc.forsale] Tandy I/III/IV software for sale

agj@i.cc.purdue.edu (Rob Stanfield) (10/12/87)

Below is a list of Tandy I/III/IV software that a friend 
is selling. This is a very complete library of tandy stuff.
All prices are the suggested retail price and most have been
on  sale  for  a lot less. Make an offer on all or part. No
reasonable offer refused.

I'm posting this for a friend. All replies, questions to me
and I will forward them.

Rob Stanfield
ARPANET: agj@j.cc.purdue.edu        BITNET:  STANFIEL@PURCCVM

   1608  Deskmate  4                                    199.95
   1527  Formation III/4                                199.95
   1606  Dow Jones Market analyzer III                  249.95
   1620  Money I                                         49.95
   1621  Money II                                        49.95
   1622  Money III                                       49.95
   1623  Money IV                                        49.95
   1624  Money V                                         49.95
   2017  Assembly Tutor Tape I/III                       39.95
   2210  Basic complier III                             195.00
   1603  Budget Management tape I/III                    19.95
   1513  Spectacular I/III                               49.95
   2018  Assembly Tutor Disk I/III                       29.95
   1581  Personnel Manager I/III                         99.95
   1580  Project Manager I/III                           99.95
   1582  Time Manager I/III                              99.95
   2022  Power Tool I/III                                49.95
   1520  Visi calc 4                                     99.95
   1588  Videotex I/III                                  49.95
   1598  Videotex 4                                      49.95
   1589  Micro courier III                              149.95
   2230  C complier 4                                   249.95
   2212  Pascal 4                                       249.95
   2211  Pascal I/III                                   249.95
   2013  Series I Editor assembler I/III                199.95
   0315  TRSDOS 6.2 utilities  4                         39.95
   2214  LDOS 5.14 I/III                                129.95
   1130  Hard Disk operating system I/III                99.95
   1134  TRSDOS 6.1 Hard disk op system 4                79.95
   2110  TRSDOS 4 Technical Ref manual                   24.95
   2111  Model III disk op system manual                  6.95
   2112  Model III/4 Basic Manual                         5.95
   1706  I.Q. Builder Tape III                           14.95
   1630  TK Solver 4                                    299.95
   1631  TK Financial manager 4                          99.95
   1632  TK Science  4                                   99.95
   1633  TK Enginering 4                                 99.95
   1596  Scripsit 4                                      99.95
   1530  Multiplan 4                                    199.95
   2019  Training Course 4                               74.95
   1959  Frogger disk I/III                              19.95
   1924  Games pack disk 3 I/III                         24.95
   1925  Games pack Tape 2 I/III                         24.95
   2217  C Basic 4 CP/M                                  99.95
   1917  Bedlam tape I/III                               14.95
   1921  In the Hall of the Mountain King Tape I/III     14.95
   1919  Magic carpet tape I/III                          9.95
   1918  Sword of Roshon tape I/III                       9.95
   1912  Sapce warp tape I/III                           14.95
         Montezuma CP/M op system 4                     175.00
         Montezuma Basic 4                               50.00
         Montezuma Hard disk 4                           50.00
         A.O.S. Utilities                                15.00
         Advanced operating system III                   15.00

Also he has a Model 4 (128K,2 ssdd  drives,  2  external  3"
drives, 5 meg hard disk, 300 auto/answer modem) Model I (ex-
pansion box, 1-5 1/4 drive, and software) Make an  offer  on
all or part.  MUST SELL!!!!