From: Randall B. Neff <NEFF@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> Collecting Old and Out of Print Books If you are half way serious about collecting books, and/or, if you are interested in collecting new limited edition books, then you should subscribe to LOCUS magazine. Locus carries announcements of new books, display ads of large and small publishers, and classified ads for mail order book companies. Almost all small press books are announced here. Most mail order dealers of collectible books advertise here. LOCUS Publications $24.00 for 12 issues 2nd class PO Box 13305 $31.00 for 12 issues 1st class Oakland, CA 94661 It is easy to disagree with the editorial material, and even with their nine Hugos, but their book announcements and advertisements are very useful. One of the largest dealers in science fiction and fantasy literature is L. W. Currey, Inc. catalog $2.50 Antiquarian Bookseller Elizabethtown, New York 12932 They also carry most new hardcover sf and fantasy, including small publisher books in a separate catalog. In their July 1984 catalog # 77, they list Herbert, Frank. Dune. Chilton Books [1965] 1st ed. Signed by Herbert. $600.00 (Herbert's signiture is not rare.) If you are interested in obtaining a copy of Dune in hardcover, Putnam reprinted it in hardcover last year (1984) at the same time as Heretics. It should still be available at normal new book prices (<$20.00). For very, very serious collectors, a new catalog is coming from The Book Sail PO Box 5728 Orange, CA 92667 of rare and collectible science fiction and fantasy books and memorabilia. It will have things like the original manuscript for Stoker's `Dracula'. The catalog is quite a production by itself, a full color Rowena cover, forward by Bradbury, and a new short story by Bloch. The deluxe hardcover will be signed by all three, plus a short story by William Nolan. Softcover $45.00 Deluxe hardcover $85.00 For those of you that do not have access to a real bookstore (Walden/Dalton is to a real bookstore like McDonalds is to a real restaurant), I recommend F. and S. F. Book Co., Inc. P.O. Box 415 free catalog Staten Island, New York 10302 They carry a very complete line of hardcover, paperback, and small publisher science fiction and fantasy. They normally do not carry signed and numbered editions. The good part is 10 percent off on orders over $10., 20 percent off over $25. and 25 percent off plus free shipping over $100. No sales tax unless order is from New York. I have ordered from them (wholesale) for over five years. Randy Neff. NEFF@SU-SIERRA -------