[misc.forsale] amiga-for-sale-again

lerici@super.ORG (Peter W. Brewer) (09/16/88)


amiga 1000 with 512KB (not 256KB as with store offers)    $500
	This includes keyboard and CPU unit only.

I would like to sell this way 
	only with the purchase of xternal memory.

amiga 1000 described above with Commodore 1084 RGB monitor $750

I would like to sell this way 
	only with the purchase of xternal memory.

amiga 1000 with monitor and Commodore A2010 floppy drive   $850


Extended RAM.. to be sold separately only after the sale of the 
Amiga 1000 above or as a package with the monitor and external 
floppy drive. 

External 2 slot Zorro I bus with 2 Meg memory board
	(Pacific Cyprus XPander II)
      the above with 2MB				 $500

Total Systems:

	system I:  A1000 512KB (no monitor and xternal floppy)      $500
	system II: A1000 512KB (no monitor and xternal floppy)      
				with 2MB expansion 2.5MB total)	   $1000

        system III: A1000 512KB (with monitor & 2MB expansion
				 2.5MB total)			   $1250
	system IV: A1000 512KB (with monitor, xternal floppy 
				and 2MB expansion for 1.5MB total) $1350

Additional Peripherals:

	A 2400 baud modem: Hayes  $150 with cable. $100 with system above.
	A Canon Bubble_Jet Printer 
	  26 bubble-jets/better than pins for superior quality and
	  extra high resolution graphics and superior nlq printing.
	  A box of special ink-jet clay faced pin-feed compatible 80 
	  column paper($70/box). An InMac Printer stand for easy
          paper feed and use(~$100 new). Amiga compatible cable (parallel).
	  This printer is like-new hardly used. All for the reasonable sum
	  of $395. $325 with the purchase of a system above.

Negotiations welcome.

      U pay the shipping....

	Peter Brewer

Peter Brewer            |_____________|   THE                  
lerici@super.org	 |___|____|/     SUPERCOMPUTING   
			 |__ |__ |_/          RESEARCH
			 |___|__ /_|           CENTER