[net.sf-lovers] 2010: A few quick comments..


From: RPS385%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA  (Jeffrey Smith)

   Despite some "critics" opinions, I think that 2010 was a very good
movie, in fact one of the best I have seen in the last 12 months.
Yes, there were some technical difficulties , but according to my
science consultant, only one couldn't be explained (the pen and
pencil sequence obviously).

> One other thing.  Does anyone know what that small thing was that
> flew out of the airlock when it was opened?  I have been wracking my
> brain trying to figure out if it had any significance in 2001.

That was a peice of paper. In 2010 Kurnov wonders if it was some last
vital message from Bowman, but then it goes out of his reach and out to
the stars.

> The ending of the movie 2010 is fine, and the monolith scene is
> lovely.  But a major point is left out from the book!  The aliens
> (monolith makers, not Europa greenies) tell Bowman that someday,
> after the Europans mature as an intelligent race, that the solar
> system will be only big enuf for one race, and at that time the
> Aliens will choose between them...  which one lives, and which one
> is snuffed out (as was the life on Jupiter, depicted in the book).
>         In other words, THE LAST JUDGMENT.  SHape up, Humans, or
> SHIP OUT!  Certainly calling off the war with the Russians is a step
> in the right direction (the alternative might spare the Aliens the
> trouble of exterminating us).

Don't be an idiot. The main ideal strssed by the Aliens was the SAVING
of Mind, not the destruction. They only killed the life on Jupiter
because it could never flurish to intellegence, but by Jupiter's
destruction, the Aliens could propigate intellegence in a more
hopefull race, the Europans. The Aliens would never kill the
humans (or the Europans for that matter!) just because we have some
political difficulties. The book means that if humans and Europans
cant get along well, we may have to slug it out (out first intersteller
war!) , and the winner takes all.
(Two solar systems... Quite a prize!!)

"You know I have the greatest enthusiasm for this review, Dave."