(Richard Shelby) (04/15/89)
I have the following books for sale; I will pay shipping within the U.S. and offers will be accepted. All books are in excellent condition except where noted. In general, the prices are about one-half the new price. Title; Author; Publisher; Cover Asking Price -------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Make Money With Your Micro; Holtz; Wiley; hardback $ 4.00 Godel, Escher, Bach; Hofstadter; Vintage; paperback $ 7.50 The Mind's I; Hofstadter & Dennett; Bantam; paperback $ 5.00 Neural Theory And Modeling: Proceedings of the 1962 Ojai Symposium; Reiss; Stanford; hardback; very good condition $10.00 Microcomputer Operating Systems; Dahmke; McGraw-Hill; paperback good condition $ 4.00 Systems Programming for Small Computers; Marcellus; Prentice-Hall; paperback $ 7.50 MS DOS Power User's Guide; Kamin; Sybex; paperback $10.00 Memory Resident Programming on the IBM PC; Wadlow; Addison-Wesley; paperback $15.00 Microcomputer Applications Development; Bodner & Hutchins; Tab Professional & Reference Books; hardback $15.00 User-Oriented Computer Languages; Klerer; MacMillan; Hardback $15.00 Assembly Language Subroutines for MS-DOS Computers; Scanlon; Tab Books; paperback $10.00 Advanced Assembly Language on the IBM PC; Holzner; Brady/Prentice-Hall; paperback $15.00 Assembler for the IBM PC and PC-XT; Abel; Reston/Prentice-Hall; paperback $10.00 Programmer's Challenge: Problems to Test Your Programming Skills; Chen; Tab Books; hardback $15.00 The Brains of Men and Machines; Kent; McGraw-Hill; hardback $10.00 The Human Brain; Corrick; Arco; hardback $ 5.00 Operating System Design: The XINU Approach; Comer; Prentice-Hall; hardback $30.00 XINU source code on 4 5.25" MS-DOS diskettes $25.00 above two items (book and source code) $50.00 Local Area Networking with Microcomputers; Lehrman; Brady/Prentice-Hall; paperback $10.00 The Practical Guide to Local Area Networks; Archer; McGraw-Hill; paperback $10.00 Networking IBM PCs (second edition); Durr; Que $10.00 PC Secrets; Kelley; McGraw-Hill; paperback $10.00 Supercharging MS DOS; Wolverton; Microsoft Press; paperback $10.00 Tricks of the MS-DOS Masters; Angermeyer, Fahringer, Jaeger & Shafer; Howard W. Sams & Co.; paperback $12.50 MS-DOS Developer's Guide; Angermeyer & Jaeger; Sams; paperback $12.50 dBase IV Essentials; Hursch & Hursch; Windcrest; paperback $10.00 Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application; Musa, Iannino & Okumoto; McGraw-Hill; hardback; perfect condition $25.00 The Micro to Mainframe Connection; Brumm; Tab Books; hardback; very good condition $10.00 Micro to Mainframe Data Interchange; Bodner; Tab Professional and Reference Books; hardback $15.00 -- Richard Shelby Department of Health Services rshelby@ukma.BITNET University of Kentucky {rutgers,uunet}!ukma!rshelby