From: Randall B. Neff <NEFF@SU-SIERRA.ARPA> On Collecting Limited Edition Speciality Publisher Books. This is a difficult topic to discuss because there is no good answer to the question "Why do publishers print and people buy books that cost $50 to $100 when the same words could be printed in a three dollar paperback". This question is very similar to "Why do people pay one hundred dollars a bottle for wine when a three dollar bottle will get you just as drunk," or "why do people pay over $100,000 for a Rolls Royce", or " why do people pay over $10,000 for a wrist watch". The oldest collectable publisher still around is Arkham House, Inc. PO Box 546 Sauk City, WI 53583 They publish well made hardcover books, primarily horror. The press started in 1939 to publish Lovecraft in hardcover, five of the books are continuously reprinted and always available. No recent signed and numbered editions. Their latest book was `Who Made Stevie Crye?' by Michael Bishop $15.95, about a demon possessed daisy wheel typewriter. Donald M. Grant, Publisher, Inc. West Kingston, RI 02892 Is most famous for their special edition of the `Talisman' by King and Straub, $120 signed. This was two volumes in slipcase, with color illustrations from a number of artists. Most of their books are $15 to $50, signed by both author and artist. Examples are `Daughter of Regals' $50. and `The Adventures of Samurai Cat' $50.00 and $20.00 Cheap Street Route 2, Box 293 New Castle, Virginia 24127 does very beautiful books on handmade paper, printed by hand on hand set type. The books are very small, about 70 to 80 pages. There are two series, both available to subscribers. Subscribers must buy every book or drop out. The Publisher's Edition is usually hand bound in quarter Niger goat leather with a slip case at about $190 non subscriber, $150 for subscriber. The Collector's Edition is cloth and sometimes a slipcase for $70 non, $57 subscriber. Their most recent book was `Were-Wrath' by Andre Norton. Coming are a new Thomas Disch, Gregory Benford, and Anne McCaffrey. The books are illustrated with line art. Underwood-Miller 651 Chestnut Street Columbia, PA 17512 does both signed and numbered first editions of trade books, and hardcover reprints of famous writers' books, primarily Jack Vance. Most of the reprints are first hardcover. Prices range from $35.00 to $60.00 for the signed and numbered books to $13.95 to $15.95 for unsigned editions. In their new catalog is `The Green Pearl' (Lyonesse II) by Jack Vance, signed at $60.00, `Sailing to Byzantium' by Robert Silverberg $35.00 signed, $12.95. `The Blue Rose' by Peter Straub signed $35.00. Three reprinted gothics by Anne McCaffrey $25.00 each signed, $13.95, and `Moreta:' $35.00 signed. They have over 50 titles still available, primarily unsigned. Phantasia Press 13101 Lincoln St. Huntington Woods, MI 48070 does mostly first editions, either signed hardcover before a regular hardcover trade, or both signed and trade hardcover for a regular paperback. They sometimes do hardcover reprints. They did signed first editions of `2010', `Robots of Dawn', `Gods of Riverworld', `Dream Park', `Oath of Fealty', and `Firestarter'. Prices are $35.00 to $60.00. Their last two books were in both signed and trade editions, `Moment of the Magician' (Spellsinger 4) by Alan Dean Foster $40.00 and $17.00 and `Chanur's Venture' by C. J. Cherryh $40.00 and $17.00 The signed editions come in slipcases. All books have new artwork for the dust jackets by such as Whelan, Rowena, etc. There are other small presses, and more pop up all the time, such as Philtrum Press with their beautiful `The Eyes of the Dragon' by King ($120.00). The book is 13 inches by 8 inches with wonderful woodcut like illustrations by Kenneth R. Linkhauser. General Notes: 1. Subscribe to Locus to get announcements of new small press books. 2. If you want a signed and limited edition of a book, send your money or send for information IMMEDIATELY. The books frequently sell out very quickly. 3. Most of the publishers have catalogs or mailing list. Sorry this is so long, but it is still rather incomplete. Randy Neff NEFF@SU-SIERRA `A good book should feel good!' -------