[misc.forsale] Amiga 2000 + Bridgeboard for sale:

STEVEG@MAINE.BITNET (Steve E. Goldsmith) (10/12/89)

For sale: Amiga 2000 , Amiga 2080 Bridgeboard:

1 Amiga 2000 CPU
1 Amiga 1080 RGB Color Monitor
1 Amiga 2010 3.5" floppy disk drive (making 2 internal disk drives)
1 Amiga 2088 PC "Bridge" board with 1 5.25" floppy drive
  keyboard, mouse, cables, etc

 I haven't used this system in several months due to lack of
time, and I'd rather have the money sitting on my desk then
the unused machine. This system is in good condition, and
functions perfectly.

 I'd like to get around $2,000.00, however, any reasonable offer
will be considered.
|                          Steve E. Goldsmith                          |
|                    Technical Services Coordinator                    |
|            University of Maine Computer Science Department           |
|                                                                      |
| steveG@maine.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu      University of Maine         |
| steveG@maine.maine.edu                   Computer Science Department |
|                                          115 Neville Hall            |
| steve@umecsrt.umcs.maine.edu             Orono, Maine 04469          |
| steve@maineiac.umcs.maine.edu            (207)581-3945               |
|                                                                      |
|  Program n: A magic spell cast over a computer allowing it to turn   |
|    one's input into error messages. tv.v. To engage in a pasttime    |
|    similar to banging ones head against a wall, but with fewer       |
|    opportunities for reward.                                         |