@RUTGERS.ARPA:milne@uci-icse (01/20/85)
From: Alastair Milne <milne@uci-icse> I recently finished re-reading The Days of the Triffids, after a lapse of so many years that most of the story was once again new to me. It reminded me forcefully of the strength of Wyndham's style, which seemed to waver remarkably little from book to book. What I find hard to understand is why Wyndham seems to be so little read or discussed these days. In particular, what with the proliferation of nuclear disaster stories and the general fear of nuclear accidents, you'd have thought that The Chrysalids would be popular reading about now. One of the best, certainly the most touching, disaster stories I've ever read. And several of his books have been filmed (though the films, regrettably, are named differently from the books). He was (I assume "was" is correct now) a very fine author, and a leading light in sf. How soon we forget. Alastair Milne