dcaffey@hydra.unm.edu (Dom Caffey CIRT-APSYS) (10/17/89)
FOR SALE: Atari 1040ST with color monitor and software: Software includes: PageStream (most recent upgrade) - desktop publishing. Megamax Laser C - C language development system. Degas Elite - raster oriented paint program. Jet - Jet Aircraft flight simulator. PC Ditto - Very good MS/DOS emulator. Runs Lotus 123, Procomm, QSB & a bunch of other major MS/DOS programs. Assorted other softare including a spreadsheet, word processor & spell checker and games. This also includes some public domain MS/DOS software as well. I have all the original hardware manuals & other assorted documentation that came with the system when I bought it. Price = $750.00 for everything. contact: Dominic Caffey at 505-296-1942 or reply via email. end of ad +-------------------------------+ | Dominic Caffey, | | Student, | | University of New Mexico, USA |