[net.sf-lovers] Request for theme from COSMOS...


From: William Daul - Augmentation Systems - McDnD  <WBD.TYM@OFFICE-2.ARPA>

I know it was once submitted to the digest but...I can't find my old 
references.  Please send me any info you may have.  Thanks,  --Bi\\

rsk@stat-l (Rich Kulawiec) (01/23/85)

(No Arpanet access, hence followup here...)

	The composer is "Vangelis", of synthesizer soundtrack fame.   He
also did "Chariots of Fire", some solo albums ("Albedo 0.39", "China",
"Earth", Heaven and Hell", "Spiral") and so on.   The music from Cosmos
*IS* available on an LP, the cover of which matches the book.

	Curiously enough, parts of the Cosmos theme resemble parts of
Albedo 0.39...
Rich Kulawiec @ Purdue Unix Wombat Group	rsk@purdue-asc.arpa
(decvax,ihnp4,uiucdcs)!pur-ee!rsk.uucp (decwrl,hplabs,ucbvax)!purdue!rsk.uucp

"First I'm going to bother everybody I meet,
And then I'll probably go home and get drunk."

ag4@pucc-h (Angus Greiswald the fourth) (01/24/85)

(No Arpanet access, hence followup here...)

> 	The composer is "Vangelis", of synthesizer soundtrack fame.   He
> also did "Chariots of Fire", some solo albums ("Albedo 0.39", "China",
> "Earth", Heaven and Hell", "Spiral") and so on.   The music from Cosmos
> *IS* available on an LP, the cover of which matches the book.

And while we're at it... to be more specific, the song is 'Heaven' and was
originally on the "Heaven and Hell" lp.

"I'm gonna hurl myself against the wall,
  'cause I'd rather feel bad than not feel anything at all!"

Jeff Lewis                                         vvvvvvvvvvvv