LINBB@CUNYVM (06/01/90)
(1) IBM-PC/XT CLONE FOR SALE BRAND: "XT-2000" 4.77/8 MHz TURBO SYSTEM 640K RAM, 8088-2 CPU 8 SLOTS, 150W POWER SUPPLY HERCULES MONOCHROME AMBER MONITOR (SAMSUNG) ENHANCED AT-STYLE 84-KEY KEYBOARD Original XT style case w/o led (2) 360K FLOPPY DRIVES (TEAC) FULL-LENGTH I/O CARD WITH: FLOPPY CONTROLLER INTERNAL CLOCK+BATTERY (1) GAME PORT (1) SERIAL PORT (1) PRINTER PORT FULL-LENGTH HERCULES CARD W. ONE PRINTER PORT ASK FOR $375 OR BEST OFFER ====================================================== The following is for sale too, as it is. You can take the whole junk or any piece of it, just make me an offer. Panasonic Business System (just died) (AT compatible) 4.77/8 MHz TURBO SYSTEM 256K RAM (it used to be 512K, half of them died 2 days ago) 8086 CPU, 6 SLOTS, 200W POWER SUPPLY HERCULES MONOCHROME AMBER MONITOR (SAMSUNG) ENHANCED AT/XT 84-KEY KEYBOARD Baby AT cast with 3 led (power, speed, hard disk) (2) 360K FLOPPY DRIVES (TEAC) Disk controller on main-board FULL-LENGTH HERCULES CARD W. ONE PRINTER PORT No asking price, any offer will be considered. Including one more thing: Full-length XT CGA card with 1 RGB port and 2 composite port. ============================================================ LINBB@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
LINBB@CUNYVM (06/03/90)
To all of you whom answered my ad "For sale: XT/AT clones and parts": Please accept my apology, the 8088 clone is sold today for $300 plus half shipping. One hour after I posted the ad, one of my closest friend who happened to be on the net came to my house and took the 8086 Panasonic Senior Business Partner to see what went wrong. So far the RAM has been restored back to 640K. But it is only recognizing one floppy disk drive, and he is still playing with it. At this point in time, I still don't know whether the whole thing is dying or it is just a matter of wrong setting of dip switches. So, I will keep the Panasonic for a while. Thank all of you whom had answered my ad in such a short time. And I will consider all your offers. Sorry, I cannot answer each one of you at this moment. Sincerely, Paul