rc2@garbo.EBay.Sun.COM (Ran-Chi Huang) (06/07/90)
I have a Wyse 2112 - 12.5 MHz 80286 computer system for sale. o 12.5 MHz 80286 CPU o 2 MB main memory o CDC 40 MB MFM hard drive o 1.2 MB floppy drive o VGA display adapter o 3COM 3C501 ethernet controller o 1 serial, 1 parallel port o Keyboard Also includes software like DOS 3.3 and MIT/Harvard/CMU's PC/IP package including Netwatch, Telnet, Ping, etc. Price: $1,500 plus shipping If you are interested, either send me e-mail at "rc2@EBay.Sun.COM" or call me at: (408) 276-5832 (w) or (408) 733-7057 (h) Thanks ! -- Ran-Chi Huang BELL: (408) 276-5832 Sun Microsystems, M/S 3-03 DOMAIN: rc2@EBay.Sun.COM 1355 California Circle UUCP: ...!{sun}!rc2 Milpitas, CA 95134