[misc.forsale] Mac Software/Books FOR SALE

Geoff.Crooks@samba.acs.unc.edu (BBS Account) (07/27/90)

Macintosh Software

Turbo Pascal Macintosh v1.1     $45
Turbo Pascal Tutor 1.0          $35
THINK C 4.0                     $125
Kaleidagraph 2.0                $99
Copy II Mac 7.2                 $15
MacTools Deluxe 1.0             $50
PowerStation 2.5.2 w/ Pyro      $25

Tetris (B&W)                    $15
XOR Pro Challenge Football      $25
Lunar Rescue                    $25
Hacker II                       $20
Tom Throop's Bridge Baron II    $25
Bridge 5.0                      $10 ($5 with tom Throops)
SpellBreaker                    $20
HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy $12
Leather Godesses of Phobos      $12
PlanetFall                      $12

Macintosh BOOKS

HyperCard Developer's Guide     $15
XCMD's for HyperCard            $18
HyperCard Script Language Guide $18
HyperTalk Programming           $15
The Complete HyperCard HandBook $12

Macintosh Revealed #1-3         $20 each or all 3 for $50
Programming C on the Macintosh  $10
Macintosh C primer Plus         $10
Macintosh Programming Techniques$10
Microsoft Basic 2.0 for the Mac $10
Turbo Pascal for the Mac        $15
Complete Macintosh Turbo Pascal $15

I will pay shipping on orders of $50 or more, otherwise you 
get the honor.  First e-mail I receive for an item offering
the asking price gets the item.  Prices are negotiable to
a certain extent, so if you see something you're interested
in, but don't like the price, make me an offer...  I've been
known to make pretty good package deals :)

Send email to:  gbc@med.unc.edu
or call (919) 382-0026
