[misc.forsale] CSD: Low cost, high quality sound digitizer for the Mac

mikec@allspice.lcs.mit.edu (Mike Ciholas) (09/26/90)


If there were such a thing as "hardware shareware", this would be it.

After much research and design effort, the CEDAR Sound Digitizer is

The CEDAR Sound Digitizer (CSD) is a sound digitizer for Macintosh
computers.  It converts audio signals into digital signals that can be
recorded, stored, and played back by the computer.

The CSD can use three sources for sounds:

	1. The built-in microphone
	2. An external microphone
	3. A line level signal (like a tape deck, VCR, or CD player)

The CSD sends its output to either serial port on the back of the Mac.
No external power supply or batteries are required for operation.

The CSD samples sound at 22254 samples per second, the same rate that the
Mac uses to play sounds.  It has 8 bit resolution, also the same.  The
CSD is compatible with other commercial sound digitizers like the
MacRecorder (tm Farallon Computing) and commercial sound editing
programs such as SoundWave (tm Authorware) and SoundEdit (tm Farallon
Computing).  Some public domain or shareware programs are also usable
with the CSD.


The CSD has the following features (unique features are '*'):

- digitizes sounds at 22254 samples per second at 8 bit resolution.

- uses one serial port

- requires no external power supply or batteries

- works with all Macintoshes

- is compatible with commercial digitizers and software

- has manual volume control

* has selectable automatic leveling control with adjustable set point

* uses a 5 pole, 4 zero elliptic anti-aliasing filter for superb quality

* uses a sample-and-hold circuit for better high frequency fidelity

* has a two-color LED indicator which some programs support

* two CSDs can be synchronized for perfect stereo sampling


In early 1990, a group called the SID Trio developed a sound digitizer
they called the SID (Sound Input Device).  They released the schematic
and some driver code into the public domain.

Many people wanted to build a SID since it would be much cheaper than
purchasing a commercial digitizer.  However, no kits or circuit boards
were available for it, so very few were made.  In addition, the design
required a very rare part which further complicated its construction.

I saw the SID design, and preceded to develop the SID-II.  The SID-II
was very similar to the SID in functionality, but not in construction.
I produced kits and circuit boards during the summer of 1990.

After selling all of the SID-IIs, I decided to produce the CEDAR Sound
Digitizer.  The CEDAR Sound Digitizer offers several improvements to
the internal circuit, and adds some additional features such as
automatic leveling control and an LED indicator.  In addition, a
sample-and-hold function has been incorporated for improved high
frequency fidelity.


CEDAR Technologies is currently offering these products:

	A complete kit to build a CSD.  Includes everything to make a
	functional kit including circuit board, all integrated circuits,
	connectors, and miscellaneous parts, and instructions.  The CSD
	does not include an enclosure, although one is not required.
	Does not include the cable to the Mac or any software.

	A mini DIN 8 cable for the CSD.  This cable is exactly like an
	Imagewriter II cable, so if you have one of those, you do not
	have to purchase this cable.  The cable is 6 feet long.  This
	cable only works on Mac Plus and later machines (adapters for
	earlier machines are available, but I don't sell them).

	An 800K 3.5 inch disk with public domain or shareware programs
	and files.  Some may be useful, but no warranty is given.  If the
	program is shareware, purchasing this disk does not pay the
	shareware fee.  Also included is a CDEV that allows Mac IIfx
	machines to work with sound capturing software.

The kit takes about 3 hours to assemble (I can do one in about 20

You can obtain the instructions for the CSD-KIT (which includes a
complete schematic and board diagram) for US$1 for domestic orders
and Canada, and US$2 for foreign orders which includes shipping and
handling charges.

Stereo Operation

If you have a Mac II (any model) or an SE/30, you can do stereo sound
digitizing.  You have two choices:

	1. Use two separate CSDs.
	2. Two CSDs can be wired together to share the same time

Since the time base crystals vary slightly, the first option introduces
some time distortion between the left and right channel.  This distortion
is quite small (negligible, in fact) for short sounds.  For longer
sounds, two CSDs can be wired together for perfect synchronizing of the
left and right channel.  This is recomended only if you intend to use
the CSDs exclusively for stereo, and want to record long sounds that
must be synchronized.  Instructions on how to modify the CSDs to work in
this way are included in the CSD-KIT.  In any case, two serial cables and
both serial ports will be required.  Very few software packages support
stereo digitizing.


Of the SID-IIs I sent out, I received only 2% back for repair.  The
average repair time was less than 10 minutes.  With that success rate,
I can offer a much stronger guarantee:

	If, within 90 days after receiving the kit, you decide
	that assembling it is not in your capabilities, or for
	whatever reason you decide you no longer want it, then
	send it back (postage paid) for a full refund (not including
	the shipping and handling charge).  Once you start assembly,
	you may not return it for a refund.
	If you assemble your kit and it does not work, there is a
	checklist in the instructions.  Go through as much as you
	can of the checklist, and if you haven't found the problem,
	send the kit (postage paid) to CEDAR Technologies.  I will
	either fix it free, or send you an assembled and tested CSD
	for free.  You must include the checklist with your comments.
	There is also a general guarantee that all parts and materials
	in the kit will be free from defects for a period of 90 days
	from date of purchase.  In any case, this guarantee does not
	apply to the disk or cable offered separately.

Final Thoughts

CEDAR Technologies is a very low budget, "grass roots" kind of operation.
I don't do this to make money, I have a regular job for that.  I do
this for fun.  The satisfaction from hearing good things from past
customers is reward enough.  I also am doing this to see how to run
a small business.  Think of it as a lemonade stand for Mac peripherals!
And lastly, I am doing it because the CSD beats the pants off any
commercial product out there for much less money.  I believe the CSD
is so cheap and simple that everyone should have the capability to put
sounds into their machine as well as play them back.  Eventually, with
the advent of voice mail and such, it may become more important.

				Have fun,
				Mike Ciholas

Ordering Information

Please use the order form below.  It will make processing your order
much faster and more accurate.

Please note that the shipping charges apply per order, not per kit.
You pay the same amount in shipping charges if you order one kit or a

Orders will be shipped first class US Postal Service to USA and Canada.
Foreign orders will be shipped Air Mail.

Orders are generally filled in 2 weeks, however, I only promise 6 week
delivery for domestic and 8 weeks for foreign delivery.


CEDAR Sound Digitizer Order Form			Version UN#1

Mail with US$ funds (money order or check) to:

	CEDAR Technologies
	P.O. Box 224
	Dublin, NH 03444 USA

Name: _____________________________________________  Date: _____________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

City/St/Zip/Country: ___________________________________________________

Phone: _________________________  Email: _______________________________

Where did you hear of CSD? _____________________________________________

Qty	Part	Description				Each	Total	

______	CSD-KIT	Complete Kit (see note)		    US$	45.00	________

______	CSD-CBL	Serial Cable 			    US$	 8.00	________

______	CSD-DSK	Software Disk (shareware and PD)    US$	 5.00	________

	Shipping and Handling
	(USA - US$4, Canada - US$6, Foreign - US$12)		________

	There is no sales tax				Total	________

Note:	The instructions for CSD-KIT are available separately for
	evaluation purposes.  Cost is US$1 for USA and Canada, and
	US$2 for foreign orders which includes shipping and handling.

Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery (foreign orders 6 to 8 weeks).
