[misc.forsale] WANTED: Items for my PDP 11/24

ms@ccvr1.ncsu.edu (Mark Stubbs) (12/04/90)

    I am looking to buy the following items for my PDP 11/24 processor.
If you know someone who has these items and could be convinced to sell,
PLEASE direct them to me! Thanks!


    KT24 Unibus Map Module

    Memory Boards, any size

    11/24 CPU Boards (never hurts to have a spare or two)

    Unibus expansion box

Also, if anyone has an 11/44 that they don't want anymore, let me know.
If you have any other Unibus PDP equipment you think I'd be interested
in, please feel free to call!

| Mark Stubbs                                                         |
| ms@eceugs.ece.ncsu.edu                                              |
| Home: 919-834-2888 After 5 PM EST                                   |