(Scott Hutchinson) (03/06/90)
For sale: HP 28S Calculator "mint condition" Loads of software. Internal information Uses manuals. Must sell, $160.00/obo Please Call: Scott Hutchinson (703) 471-9402 (703) 644-4880 (home)
jdutka@wpi.WPI.EDU (John Dutka) (04/18/91)
For Sale: One HP-28S calculator - just about two years old. Owners manual only. Asking $130 or best offer. One HP-82240B IR thermal printer for the above calculator, with AC Adapter and 3 rolls of paper. Asking $130 or best offer. Or, $220 will take them both! E-Mail me all responses. -- | husc6!m2c!wpi!jdutka | "Hey, baby - wanna do some HEAT TRANSFER? | | | Heh, heh, heh!" | | John Dutka, Jr. | -Mechanical Engineers On The Prowl |