[net.sf-lovers] RE Bad Movies



As far as movies that caught me by surprize by there awfullness, The
Incredible Melting Man is unsurpassed.  I don't remember anything
about the people responsible for this or when it was origonally released.
I saw it at one of the annual Orsen Wells Sci-Fi Film festivals in Cambridge
about 3 years ago.  To give you an idea of the quality of this event they
will not release the film list before they sell the tickets.  The basic
plot was some Astrounauts get iradiated or something near the rings of
Saturn.  After returning, one of the astronauts starts "melting" and becomes
a totally homicidal monster.  The special effects of his melting looked
like they covered the actor with peanut-butter and jelly.  The more he melted
the more the actor hunched over.  The peanut-butter monster procedes to
mutilate the entire cast introduced up to this point by about halfway thru
the movie.  Undaunted by this, a seemingly endless stream of pointless
characters are introduced for no other reason than to provide more targets
for the monster.  The agony finally ends with the monster deflating into a
big messy puddle which a janitor mops up with no questions.  The only pleasure
with this film was joining in with the rest of the audience chearing on the
victims hoping that one of them would kill the monster and end the movie.

John Mills