[misc.wanted] Radio Wave Propagation Predictions

djs@chasefrs.UUCP (02/12/87)

I am looking for information about "Radio Wave Propagation Predictions".
Any information about any papers, programs, or methods of predicting the
signal strength, maximum and minimum useable frequencies would be appreciated.

I am looking for the address to obtain :

ESSA TECH REP ERL 110-ITS 78 "Predicting Long Term Operational Parameters of
HF Skywave Telecommunication Systems." 

ESSA TECH REP ERL 157-ITS 100 "Short Term Prediction of F2 Layer MUF from local
magnetic activity" (1978)

Predicting the Performance of HF Sky Wave Telecommunication Systems - Office of
Telecommunication Systems Report OTR-76-102

Ionospheric Predictions Vol 1,2,3,4 Office of Telecommunications Research and
Engineering Report 13 OTRER 13. (1975)

MINIMUF-3 A Simplified HF MUF Prediction Algorithm NOSC TR 186. (Feb 1978)

Representation of Diurnal and Geographic Variations of Ionospheric Data by
Numeric Methods J RES NBS 66D(4)

CCIR Atlas of Ionospheric Characteristics CCIR REP  (1960).

CCIR Interim Method for estimating Sky Wave Field Strength and Transmission
Loss at frequencies between the approximate limits of 2 and 30 MHZ
CCIR Rep 252-2 (1970).

If you have any of them and can photocopy them I would gladly pay the 
photocopying cost plus postage.

David Snyder
127 Joseph Ave
Staten Island, NY 10314