[misc.wanted] Weinberger Version 8 Network File System paper

jr@amanue.UUCP (Jim Rosenberg) (07/06/87)

I would like to read the paper "The version 8 network file system" by P.J.
Weinberger.  I have the 1984 summer Usenix proceedings, but it only contains
an abstract, not the full paper.  Is the full paper available from some
address at Bell Labs?

Please reply by email.  -Thanks in advance,
 Jim Rosenberg
     CIS: 71515,124                         decvax!idis! \
     WELL: jer                                   allegra! ---- pitt!amanue!jr
     BIX: jrosenberg                 seismo!cmcl2!cadre! /

daveb@geac.UUCP (Dave Brown) (07/06/87)

Could the pointer to this article be posted as well, please?
I too would like to dilute my ignorance.


 David (Collier-) Brown.              |  Computer Science
 Geac Computers International Inc.,   |  loses its memory
 350 Steelcase Road,Markham, Ontario, |  (if not its mind)
 CANADA, L3R 1B3 (416) 475-0525 x3279 |  every 6 months.