[net.sf-lovers] Illuminatus


From: Alan Greig <CCD-ARG%dct@ucl-cs.arpa>

>I recall a particular series (trilogy?) of the 'sercret society'
>genre, this was/is the Illuminatti (sp?) series. I only got through
>1 and 1/2 of the books since I started becoming paranoid! I believe
>the writers were Anton Wilson and Robert Sheckly, though my mind is
>rather foggy on this since once I put the books down I never wanted
>to hear about them again. They were real good, so good I did not
>dare go anywhere without looking over my shoulders!

 The original series did indeed form a trilogy, I'm not 100% certain
but I think they were
  The Golden Apple
  The Eye in the Pyramid
maybe not in that order. They were written by Robert Anton Wilson and
Bob Shea. Wilson then went on on his own to write another trilogy,
Scrodinger's Cat which was based on the same (or similiar characters
as Illuminatus) but each book was set in a parallel universe (I think!).
I can only remember the title of one of these, The Trick Top Hat. He's since
written several other books in the same vein, the last I saw being Masks of
The Illuminati which manages to star Albert Einstein amonst others !

 The only way to describe these books is "WIERD" and fear of prosecution
keeps me from going too much into the contents of some of the books. If
you'ld like to know about Rhoda Chief and ACE then you'll have to read them.!

As an interesting point there really was a secret society called the Illuminati
which you should be able to find in any good encyclopaedia, eg Britanica.
I'd better not reveal to much more though as who kno

     Keep away from me, I didnt mean to reveal everything.
