[misc.wanted] USENET/UUCP for PC-DOS wanted

janm@eliot.UUCP (Jan Morales) (08/16/88)

I apologize if this is already common knowledge, has been
discussed before, or is inappropriate for this newsgroup.

I have a friend who would like to join the net.  She has
an IBM PC/AT with PC-DOS.  Is there software available,
either free or at a price, to be able to connect to the
net from a DOS machine?  She's mainly interested in news
but would also like e-mail.  Post or e-mail as you see
fit.  Thanks in advance.


janm@eliot.UUCP (Jan Morales) (08/22/88)

It seems that a summary is in order so here it is.  Thanks to the
many people who e-mailed and the one person who called.  It appears
that a product called UULINK (information below) is your best bet
according to the recommendations I received, if your willing to pay
the ~$335 price tag.  The quality and service, I'm told, is worth
the price.  It handles news, e-mail, and file transfer.

Product: UULINK
From:    Lauren Weinstein
	 Vortex Technology
	 P.O. Box 1323
	 Topanga, CA  90290-1323
	 (213) 390-3920

(Disclaimer:  I have not actually used the addresses or phone number
above, but I have no reason to believe they're wrong, either.)

In the public domain is a program called PC-Mail but it only handles
e-mail, although I'm sure there must be some way to twiddle it to
handle news as well.  No one was able to offer specifics on it or
how to get it, but I'm sure you can get it from BBS's or news sites.

I'm waiting on receiving source for a news/e-mail system from another
person and I'd be happy to report on it when it arrives, if there is

Two other alternatives were to either get UNIX or get a dial-up account
on a UNIX machine.  Although I completely agree with these suggestions,
she is quite stuck in DOS and her company seems unwilling to see the
errors of its ways.  Oh, well...  :-)  <--- smug, superior-feeling grin

So far, UULINK seems to be the way to go.  Thanks again.

(703) 264-3301