@RUTGERS.ARPA:Daniel_S._Conde.osbunorth@Xerox.ARPA (02/18/85)
From: conde.osbunorth@XEROX.ARPA The Penny Farthing bicycle seen on each Villager's badge, as well as being a general symbol of the show, is supposed to symbolize how the small wheel (the common man) is pulled by the large wheel (society in general). According to Stan Tenen (who hosted the show when it was on KQED, San Francisco) 7 years ago when he came to visit our Prisoner club, one of the early showings of the Prisoner had the end title of the bicycle dissolve into a picture of the earth with the moon orbiting it. This was also supposed to show the tug of earth's gravity prevented the moon from going elsewhere on its own. (Please..no Space 1999 comments). I think I the same thing after Fall Out, but you may want to keep any eye for it during the current run on KTEH, San Jose and elsewhere. Also of note is the pyramid with the eye seen in the court room during Fall Out. When that was shown, the authors of the Illuminati series came to the show to discuss how the symbol is seen everywhere. The show seems to have many obvious and not so obvious symbols strewn about. As a matter of fact, the reading list at the end of the "Prisoner Puzzle" from TV Ontario has Carl Jung's "Man and His Symbols" as a recommended text for studying the series. Some people may carry the analysis of symbols too far, but it's still fun to talk and think about. Incidentally, I wrote to TV Ontario about 7 years ago for a copy of the Prisoner Puzzle, but they won't send it to you unless you are an educational TV station or the like. Perhaps you could encourage your local TV station to acquire it for you. Then they could go sell it to you during a pledge drive. Dan "A Still Tongue Keeps a Happy Life" Conde, No. Sqrt(-1) conde.pa@Xerox.ARPA