[misc.wanted] Wanted: XT/clone motherboard

hundt@paul.rutgers.edu (Thomas M. Hundt) (02/28/89)

Does anybody have an old XT or clone motherboard lying around gathering
dust?  I would like one to put together a bare-bones machine for use as
a terminal.  I already have most of the parts: mono monitor, floppy
drive, power supply, multi i/o card, keyboard.  What I need is a
motherboard to attach them to!

Also, a case may be desirable, but not necessary.  I may just hang the
thing from a nail on the wall.  (You get good RF shielding that way :-)

If the thing you have is broken, or missing some parts, let me know ---
I'll probably say "yeah, I'll see if maybe I can fix it".

  w ["]  | Thomas M. Hundt aka hundt@occlusal.rutgers.edu  |
  |__'_  | Gradual Student --- Elect. & Comp. Engineering  |
     H \/| Rutgers University       201/932-5843(Lab)      |
     X   | 272 Hamilton St. #96     201/247-6723(H)        |
   _/ \_ | New Brunswick, NJ  08901 "Limit guns not speed" |