andhal@auto-trol.UUCP (Andrew Halls) (03/31/89)
I'm looking for a references describing available raster compression algorithms and associated file formats. My application is to display large raster images fast on an IBM/PC. The requirement includes allowing viewing portions of the image at different scales. My work so far has led me to the conclusion that the only way to get fast (< 2 second) response times is to have several scales of the same image available. Thus, limiting the user to view at preset scales. My definition of large is E size engineering drawings scanned at 200 dpi. That would be 7200 by 8000 pixels. Oh yea, don't need color or gray scale. I would appreciate any advice and pointers to appropriate literature. Andy Halls andhal@auto-trol.COM Auto-trol Technology 12500 North Washington Street Denver, CO 80241-2404 (303) 252-2166