From: MURPH%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.ARPA (M.A. Murphy) I'm surpised that no one has mentioned the Planet/Group Consciousness Gaia from Asimov's Foundation's Edge. The planet Gaia is peopled with humans? who are all part of the group mind, which is the entire planet, the earth, the trees, the rocks, etc. Golan Trevize has gone in search of Gaia because he believes that the 2nd Foundation can be found on Gaia. Gaia's role is not that of the 2nd Foundation, but it is revealed that Gaia is the birthplace of The Mule. Thus, The Mule had been a part of the group consciousness and had somehow escaped that group mind without detection. This may or may not be an enlightening tidbit, but Gaia is an excellent representation of a group mind.