rankins@zaire.crd.ge.com (raymond r rankins) (12/05/89)
I've decide to get out of development for Apple II's other than the IIGS so I've got for sale the foloowing: MANX Aztec C-65c C compiler for the //e,//c,IIGS (in //e emulation mode). This is the full development system which retails for $299. I'm selling it for $175 or best offer. Zedcor ZBASIC Basic compiler for the //e,//c,IIGS (in //e emulation mode). Mail Order best price is $39 from Programs Plus. I'm selling it for $25. I've also decided I prefer programming in C on the IIGS so I'm also selling the following: The Byte Works ORCA/Pascal w/Desktop Debugger for the IIGS. Best mail order price is $80 from Programs Plus. I'm selling it for $60 or best offer. For you musicians out there, I have the following: Korg 4 Track MIDI Sequencer for the Apple //e only. It is NOT compatable with the IIGS, hence the reason I am selling it. It requires a Passport internal MIDI interface card. (Actually, it is Passport software that was licensed by Korg). I originally paid $99 for it. I'd like to get $30 - $40 for it, or any reasonable offer. It's only gathering dust for me. Ray --- Ray Rankins | (518) 387-7340 | INTERNET: rankins@zaire.crd.ge.com 2 Moonglow Rd. | (518) 583-3320 | COMPUSERVE: 71131,3236 Gansevoort, NY 12831 | | AmericaOnline: RayRankins <insert standard disclaimer here>