[net.sf-lovers] Best SF <Film

@RUTGERS.ARPA:jlong@bbnccm.arpa (02/27/85)

From: Julian R. Long <jlong@BBNCCM.ARPA>

On the subject of Best SF film . Has any one seen a film called
UBX 11.. i can't remember the whole title . It is a futureistic
society type film (1984 ish) this guy is getting all sorts from
them in charge , funny seens with his wife/lover? . Oh yes , the
police are robots , everyone is bald , i think they have to 
take some drug ? now it's starting to sound like brave new world .
It has a real nail bitting ending .. but of course i wouldn't tell 
about that . I saw it in england  it was in colour so must be
fairly new ?? .
	Also what about some of the REAL clasics like METROPOLIS .
A must for anyone who wants to be a real s-f fan , black&white  
very old and , of course ,  silent . 

Also who wrote THE SHEEP LOOK UP , ( an english guy ?) , the
Best SF Book of all time .

-Julian Long