(William Thomas Daugustine) (04/09/90)
I recently recieved a new computer (oh god, not another one!) The front panel says 'Molecular Computers Supermicro X', and the back panel states model number 60-32. Out side of being HUGE, its a little bizzare. It has a DSDD 8" floppy, a standard size QIC tape drive, and some kinda hard drive, Priam I think. It also has a bunch of boards plugged into some kinda buss on the back, each board has two RS-232 plugs (or what looks like RS-232 plugs). Also, not on the buss, is two more RS-232 plugs. Main consoles or printer, I guess? Anyways. I power the monster up, the hard drive makes a lotta noise, but it doesnt boot. I put a blank floppy in the drive, and after awhile it seeks the drive. Is there someone who could send me a boot disk for this thing? Along with some of the needed utilities (floppy, tape and hard drive format, etc). This looks like it could be an insane system, and Id love to get it running. Many thanx in advance! Billy D'Augustine (201)989-8161 PS: it would be best to recive a voice call. Im having troubles with our server for UseNet, and may not be able to answer mail!