rankins@argentina (raymond r rankins) (10/25/90)
I'm working on a card game for the Apple IIGS, and am looking for some advise/help with what I'm doing. I'm programming it in Orca/C and using Design Master to develop my menus and dialog boxes, etc. My question is, what is the best way to create and display the cards on the screen? Should I create them as icons or just graphic objects? Could I create them as icon controls using Design Master and tie actions to them? Does anyone know where I might be able to find some sample code for displaying and playing cards? How about a sample card file, with cards that can be displayed? I'm not a very artistic person, so it would be nice to find a set of cards that someone has already designed. In case you are wondering, I am a proficient C programmer (it's what I do for a living) but I just have never done any graphics programming before, especially on a IIGS. Thanks for any assistance, Ray Ray Rankins |(518) 387-7174 | INTERNET: rankins@argentina.crd.ge.com 2 Moonglow Rd. |(518) 583-3320 | COMPUSERVE: 71131,3236 Gansevoort, NY 12831 | | AmericaOnline: RayRankins <insert standard disclaimer here> | GEnie: R.Rankins