(Pete Ashdown) (11/22/90)
I was going to buy the Bungee Adventures' Bridge Video for two friends who I went bungee jumping with earlier in the year. This was to be a Christmas present. So I called Bungee Adventures (in Palo Alto) to find out about ordering one. The person there told me that they are completely out of stock on them and they have no plans to make anymore. To make matters worse, they are making a new tape with wimpy jumps off the crane! I could care less about these jumps, what I want is the tape with jumps off the bridge. Some of the things on this tape are: 1. Reebok Commercial 2. Bear-hug stunt 3. Pepsi can grab 4. Golden gate jump If anyone has this tape and could make me a copy, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact me. Mail has a slim chance of getting here, so if you have it, either followup to rec.skydiving or give me a call at 801-292-1650. Thanks! -- / (Rotate head 90 degrees for full effect) | BUNGEEEEEEEE! |---------------------------------------------------------------------->=<o \ Pete Ashdown!javelin!pashdown