[misc.wanted] Magazine issue

twb@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Tony Basaranowicz) (11/22/90)

I'm after an issue of a magazine called "Hobby Electron" that was (is?)
printed in England. Specifically, I want to get the December 1982 issue
pages 80-82. There is project describing a directional microphone that
can be built from PVC pipe, an electret mike insert with a circuit that
uses a TL082.
Note that I'm not after a parabolic microphone! I'm trying to find any
information on shotgun microphones (also called line, gun, rifle, etc.)
in order to make an ultrasonic receiver more directional. Any other 
information would be VERY much appreciated.
Please email me direct, or if you have that issue of the magazine and a
fax machine handy, perhaps fax me the article specified??

Thanks in advance,

                                   Tony Basaranowicz, (twb@goanna.cs.rmit.OZ.AU)
           .-------.               Dept. of Comp. Sci.,
  ._____.:'____|____\___. ________ Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology,
 [_ .-.   |    |  .-:   | ______   GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, 3001,
 `;:   :=========:   :=='_____     Victoria, Australia. 
    "-"           "-"              Ph: 03 660 3576   Fax: +61 3 662 1617