[misc.wanted] Same Monitor for Computer and Video?

wcs) (02/11/91)

Is there any way to use one monitor for both video and hi-resolution
(>=1024x768) computer displays, not simultaneously?
A few years ago, when CGA was still exciting :-), we had an adaptor
box that let us translate computer output (?RGB?) to something our video
projector used (?RS-170?) which worked fine.  But computer graphics
capabilities have improved a lot since then.

I'm working with a customer who wants to do some simple video applications,
letting the employees either display a video feed or computer output
on their monitor.  They don't want to use the desk space to put a
separate TV on every desk (which would be cheaper, and solve a whole
raft of other problems), but they don't need the kind of $5000 board
that will let them display TV in an X-window and lock them into that
technology for years either.

Is there anything simple that will do the job?    Thanks!
				Pray for peace;
# Bill Stewart 908-949-0705 erebus.att.com!wcs AT&T Bell Labs 4M-312 Holmdel NJ
# "I can see all Southeast Asia, I can see El Salvador, ..."

roskar@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Veljko Roskar) (02/12/91)

Mitsubishi makes a 14 or 15" Multisync monitor that has a NTSC video
input. I am not sure whether it has a tuner, though, but hooking
it to a VCR should be no problem.

Veljko Roskar                           roskar%kavazi@jhunix.UUCP