[misc.wanted] Adult LEGO builders of the world, unite!

jeff@nsx (Jeff Barr) (03/19/91)

[If you responded the first time, I have your response.  This
 post is just to make sure that I did not miss some interested
 parties.  I will be sending out a summary of responses and
 my plan of attack by the end of March.]

Are you an adult LEGO fanatic?  We, the engineering department of 
Visix Software certainly are, collectively and individually.  

We have tried without success to purchase massive quantities (10,000
bricks of one color, for example) of LEGOs from the US Office.  They
tell us that they are not set up to process custom orders.

But there is evidence to the contrary.  Several books on LEGO art
have been published and the artists _must_ have had access to
large quantities of bricks in selected shapes and colors (If
you inspect some of the pictures it is obvious that you would have
to buy thousands of regular bricks to cull out the few odd shapes
that were used).

I have told them that there is an untapped adult market for their
products.  They don't believe me.  In the finest of net traditions,
I will accept your e-mailed letters of interest and collate them into
a single letter to the president of LEGO Systems.  

Here's what I'd like you to tell me in your letter:

(1) That you are an adult LEGO fanatic
(2) That you would buy large quantities of LEGOs if they were available
(3) Your surface-mail address
(4) Quantities of LEGOs that you own NOW
(5) Average $/year that you spend NOW

Mail your letters to:


Please put LEGO in your Subject line so that I can collect the expected
deluge of responses.  I will post a summary of the letters that I receive,
and if there is sufficient interest to merit a letter to LEGO Systems
I will post that letter and any response as well.



\\\ Jeff Barr      \\\		"Rule:  It is a mistake to use the 
/// Visix Software ///		 manufacturer's special call instruction".
\\\ 703.758.2740   \\\				-- Ken Thompson
/// jeff@visix.com ///