[misc.wanted] Looking for information/a laptop computer

stockton@kira.msu.edu (R. Gregory Stockton) (03/28/91)

The following note is posted for a friend. Please post all replys, or send
them to me and I'll make sure that she gets them.

> Hi,  
>   My sister is interested in buying an inexpensive laptop for home use.  
> She doesn't know much about computers, especially laptops, so I thought 
> maybe you all could help.
>   She needs a new or used IBM Compatible laptop with a hard drive and one 
> 3.5" floppy disk drive for $350 - $500.  She plans to use Quattro 
> (spreadsheet), and Microsoft Word.  By the way, do you know what would be 
> the optimal/minimal requirements to run these?  How much memory and disk 
> space they take up?  Can these applications run on dual floppies instead of 
> a hard disk?
>   Appreciate any help.  Sorry, I don't have internet access, so please reply
> to the poster. 
> Jannette
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