From: Chris Jarocha-Ernst <JAROCHA-ERNST@RU-BLUE.ARPA> Derek Barkyr may know WHOM he prefers listening to, but I know WHAT I prefer as final authority: the series itself. In "Once Upon a Time" (2nd-to-last episode; McGoohan vs. Leo McKern), Number Two tries to break Number Six by forcing Six to relive Six's life (the idea being that when they reach Six's resignation, Six would spill the beans). They reach a point in Six's life where Six is (I guess) a student in a public (Am. equiv. "private") school. Two plays headmaster and shouts at Six: "I'll see you in my study, Drake!" Unless I misheard this sentence, here is direct proof FROM THE SERIES ITSELF that Six is Drake. McGoohan and Markstein can give us all the personal interpretation they want, but if it conflicts with established continuity (and they can't give an explanation why this isn't really a conflict, e.g., someone shows where Six's first name ISN'T John), then it is WRONG! McGoohan WROTE this episode! He should know! <iron bars close on the signature of> Chris Jarocha-Ernst -------