[misc.wanted] Commodore Stuff *NEW LIST*

CTuna@cup.portal.com (Don S Gladden) (04/27/91)

 *** HARDWARE ***
 (All of the following comes with complete original documentation
 and support software, if applicable. [unless marked otherwise])
 COMMODORE 64 COMPUTER W/Dust Cover                        $65.00 + $8 S&H
 COMMODORE 64C COMPUTER                                    $75.00 + $8 S&H
 COMMODORE 128 COMPUTER                                   $135.00 + $9 S&H
 1541 DISK DRIVE                                           $80.00 + $6 S&H
 1541-II DISK DRIVE                                        $90.00 + $6 S&H
 1571 DISK DRIVE                                          $125.00 + $6 S&H
 ENTREPO QUICK DATA DRIVE (Hi-speed tape transfer)         $40.00 + $4 S&H
 COMMODORE 1660 MODEM (300 baud)                            $7.50 + $3 S&H
 MPS-1064 MODEM (SUPRA) (300 baud-Needs 9v p.supply)        $7.50 + $3 S&H
 SHAREDATA 300C MODEM (300 baud-2 Disks included)           $8.00 + $3 S&H
 US RBTCS MODEM 1200 Baud..Not working, No case, no docs.  $10.00 + $3 S&H
 --The problem may be the power supply, not sure. (AS IS)
 XETEC SUPERGRAFIX PRINTER INTERFACE W/8K Buffer           $35.00 + $3 S&H
 --2 built-in downloadable fonts, utility disk w/27 fonts. No manual.
 PANASONIC COMPOSITE (GREEN) MONITOR                      $ 60.00 +$12 S&H
 COMMODORE 1084-S RGB MONITOR (Stereo)                    $245.00 +$12 S&H
 SUNCOM TAC-2 JOYSTICK (2 button)                           $8.00 + $3 S&H
 SUNCOM TAC-30 JOYSTICK (2 button/autofire) (2 of these)   $10.00 + $3 S&H
 3-BUTTON JOYSTICK (Unknown brand)                          $5.00 + $3 S&H
 COMMODORE MPS-803 PRINTER (No Manual)                     $50.00 + $6 S&H
 *** SOFTWARE ***
 All, unless noted, has complete original documentation and most are in
 the original package.
 -- CASTLE HASSLE     (NO DOCS)                            $ 2.00 + $2 S&H
 -- BUCK ROGERS       (NO DOCS)      (SEGA)                $ 2.00 + $2 S&H
 -- SPEED/BINGO MATH  (NO DOCS)      (COMMODORE)           $ 2.00 + $2 S&H
 -- CLOWNS            (NO DOCS)      (COMMODORE)           $ 2.00 + $2 S&H
 -- BETTER WORKING SPREADSHEET       (SPINNAKER)           $10.00 + $2 S&H
 -- BUSINESS LETTERS (DISK ONLY)     (BCI SOFTWARE)        $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- COBOL 64                         (ABACUS)              $16.00 + $3 S&H
 -- COMPLETE COURSE IN BASIC PROG.   (COMMODORE)           $10.00 + $2 S&H
    (includes 3 disks...*BIG* book!)
 -- DATA MANAGER                     (TIMEWORKS)           $10,00 + $2 S&H
 -- EASY SCRIPT                      (COMMODORE)           $10.00 + $2 S&H
 -- FONTMASTER 64 (No manual)        (XETEC)               $12.00 + $3 S&H
 -- GHOSTWRITER 128                  (HESWARE)             $12.00 + $2 S&H
 -- MUSIC STUDIO                     (ACTIVISION)          $30.00 + $2 S&H
    (Atari 800 version included, too)
 -- POWER C                          (SPINNAKER)           $18.00 + $2 S&H
 -- SUPER C                          (ABACUS)              $20.00 + $3 S&H
 -- QUANTUMLINK V.3 SOFTWARE         (QLINK)               $ 2.00 + $2 S&H
    (With Common Sense and game disk)
 -- SWIFT DESKTOP PUBLISHER          (SWIFT)               $ 7.00 + $2 S&H
 -- WORDMASTER SENIOR                (ONE-STEP)            $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- ACE I AND II                     (SPINAKER)            $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- BEYOND CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN        (MUSE)                $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- B.C.'S QUEST FOR TIRES           (SIERRA ONLINE)       $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- BLOCKBUSTER                      (MINDSCAPE)           $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- CHOP N DROP                      (ACTIVISION)          $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- CHAMPIONSHIP GAMBLER (3 GAMES)   (ONE-STEP)            $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- COMPUTER BASEBALL                (SSI)                 $ 7.00 + $2 S&H
 -- DELTA PATROL                     (ELECTRONIC ARTS)     $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- HACKER (NO DOCS)                 (ACTIVISION)          $ 4.00 + $2 S&H
 -- INDOOR SPORTS                    (SPORTTIME)           $ 5.00 + $2 S&H
 -- KNIGHTS OF THE DESERT            (SSI)                 $ 7.00 + $2 S&H
 -- MANIAC MANSION                   (LUCAL FILM)          $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- ODELL LAKE                       (MECC)                $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- SPY VS. SPY I AND II             (AVANTAGE)            $ 5.00 + $2 S&H
 -- STEALTH FIGHTER                  (MICROPROSE)          $12.00 + $2 S&H
 -- SUPERSTAR ICE HOCKEY             (SPORTTIME)           $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- SUPERSTAR SOCCER                 (SPORTTIME)           $ 3.00 + $2 S&H
 -- TRAIL BLAZER                     (MINDSCAPE)           $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
    (Atari 800 version included, too)
 -- WINTER GAMES                     (EPYX)                $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- WORLD TOUR GOLF                  (ELECTRONIC ARTS)     $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 -- 1985: Nov                                              $ 3.00 + $1 S&H
 -- 1984: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov            (Each)   $ 3.00 + $1 S&H
 -- 1985: Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
 -- 1986: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May
 -- 1987: Jul, Aug, Sep
 -- 1988: Jan         *** Package deal: All (22) disks:    $50.00 + $5 S&H
 Most of these are updated to newer versions now, but most any of
 them  would  make a good start for anyone who is just starting a
 BBS.  These are all original disks.  I will sell  *any*  of them
 for $5.00 + $1.50 S&H.
 BBS Prg. Vers.   BBS Prg. Vers.     BBS Prg. Vers.     BBS Prg. Vers.
 CNET      11.1   AABBS              COLOR 64  7.3      I.C.E.     1.1
 CNET      12.0   EBBS         3.4   I.C.E.    1.3      PUNTER BBS 64.3
 CNET      DS-2   XAVIAN BBS         SEQUEL(Two disks)  BBS CONST. SET
 CNET      11.7   XAVIAN TERM        ARB       x.0      IVORY      2.0
 DW BBS    1.0
 *** BOOKS ***
 1541 User's Guide                       Neufeld          $10.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Game Design For The C=64       Schwenk           $6.00 + $3 S&H
 Advanced Prgmng Techniques for C=64     Lawrence          $8.00 + $3 S&H
 All About The Commodore 64 Vol. #1      COMPUTE!          $8.00 + $3 S&H
 Big Tip Book for C64                    Beagle Bros.      $8.00 + $3 S&H
 C128 Assembly Language Programming      Sams             $12.00 + $3 S&H
 C64/128 Assembly Language Programming   Sams             $10.00 + $3 S&H
 C64 Puzzlements                         Kohl              $3.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore Disk Reference Manual         CBM              $ 8.00 + $2 S&H
 (For D9090, D9060, 8250, 8050, 4040, 2031)
 Complete Course in BASIC Programming    CBM              $10.00 + $3 S&H
 (includes 3 disks...*BIG* book!)
 Creating Arcade Games for C64           Compute!          $7.00 + $3 S&H
 First Book of Commodore 64              Compute!          $6.00 + $3 S&H
 Getting the Most from the C64           Onosko            $6.00 + $3 S&H
 Kids and the Commodore 64               Compute!          $6.00 + $2 S&H
 Printer Book for C64                    Abacus            $7.00 + $2 S&H
 Second Book of Commodore 64             Compute!          $6.00 + $2 S&H
 Programming the Commodore 64 (R.C.West) Compute!         $15.00 + $3 S&H
 Telecomputing on the C64                Compute!          $6.00 + $3 S&H
 1001 Things to do with your PC          Sawusch           $2.00 + $3 S&H
 34 Game Programs in BASIC               Horn              $2.00 + $3 S&H
 A To Z Book of Computer Games           McIntire          $2.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Computer Games TRS-80 Ed.         Radio Shack       $1.00 + $3 S&H
 BASIC Handbook                          Lien             $15.00 + $3 S&H
 Best of Creative Computing Vol I        Ahl               $3.00 + $3 S&H
 Best of Creative Computing Vol II       Ahl               $3.00 + $3 S&H
 Complete Book of Lisa                   Schmucker         $5.00 + $3 S&H
 Computers for Everybody                 Willis            $3.00 + $3 S&H
 Conquering Adventure Games              Townsend          $5.00 + $3 S&H
 Crash Course in Microcomputers          Sams              $5.00 + $3 S&H
 Game Playing with BASIC                 Spencer           $3.00 + $3 S&H
 Giant Book of Computer Software         Tab               $2.00 + $3 S&H
 Machine Language for Beginners          Compute!          $8.00 + $3 S&H
 Making BASIC Work for You               DeRossi           $2.00 + $3 S&H
 More BASIC Computer Games               Ahl               $3.00 + $3 S&H
 Simply Multiplan                        Chirlian          $4.00 + $3 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-C Owners Manual and User Guide          $1.00 + $1 S&H
 Aprotek Minimodem-H Owners Manual and User Guide          $1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H Instruction Manual                    $1.00 + $1 S&H
 Trans Com TCM-1200H-Jr Instruction Manual                 $1.00 + $1 S&H
 Commodore 1702 Color Monitor User Manual                  $1.00 + $1 S&H
 SuperCat Disk Catalog System User Manual                  $2.00 + $2 S&H
 Epyx Fastload Cartridge User Manual                       $1.00 + $1 S&H
 C64 Link II User Manual                                   $2.00 + $2 S&H
 PAL 64 User Manual                                        $3.00 + $2 S&H
 SuperScript 128 User Manual                               $5.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541 Disk Drive User Manual                     $2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1571 Disk Drive User Guide                      $2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1541-II Disk Drive User Manual                  $2.00 + $2 S&H
 Commodore 1351 Mouse User Guide                           $2.00 + $2 S&H
 *** MAGAZINES ***
 This is a list of all the magazines I have here for sale.  The prices are
 .50 per magazine.  Shipping is $3.00 for the first 10 magazines,$6.00 for
 10-20,  etc. (add $3 for every ten magazines you want)
 RUN:                      COMPUTE!'S GAZETTE:       COMMODORE MAGAZINE:
 --1984  May,Jun           --1984  Apr-Jun           --1984  Vol 4 #3,4
 --1985  Jan,May,Aug-Dec   --1985  Feb,Mar,May-Dec   --1985  Vol 5 #1,2
 --1986  Jan,Feb,Apr-Jul   --1986  Jan-Aug,Oct       --1985  Apr,Jun,Aug,
         Sep,Nov-Dec       --1987  All                       Sep,Oct,Dec
 --1986  Special Issue #2  --1988  Jan-Oct,Dec       --1986  Feb-Oct
 --1987  All               --1988  Spec. Issue       --1987  Feb-Dec
 --1988  Jan-Aug,Nov,Dec   --1989  Jan-Mar,May-Aug,  --1988  Jan-Aug
 --1988  Special Issue #4          Dec               --1989  Mar,Aug
 --1989  Jan,Feb,May-Dec   COMMODORE POWER PLAY:     AHOY!:
 --1990  Jan,Feb,Apr-Dec   --1985  Jan,Mar,Jul       --1984  Feb,Mar,
 --1991  Jan-Apr                   Sep-Nov                   May-Jul,Dec
 INFO:                     --1986  Jan,Mar-Nov       --1985  Jan
 --1985  Issues 5,6        COMPUTE!                  --1986  Jan,Apr,May,
 --1987  All               --1982  Nov                       Jul,Oct
 --1988  All               --1983  Oct,Dec           --1987  Mar-Dec
 --1990  Jul               --1984  Mar-Dec           --1988  Jan-Apr,Jun,
 TRANSACTOR:               --1985  Jan-Nov                   Jul,Sep
 --Sep 85-Ntwrkng and Comm --1986--Feb-Jul,Sep       --1989--Jan
 COMMANDER:  --1984  May,Jun    SPRITE-15 ISSUES '85/86 (Mich.Cmdr UG)
 HI-RES:     --1984  May,Jun    TPUG - 19 ISSUES  (Toronto Pet UG)
 COMAL TODAY #7 & #8            TORPET - 2 ISSUES (Toronto Pet UG)
 There are several doubles in the group, also. If someone wants to make an
 offer for the whole shot, please let me know, as I am willing to deal! :D
 Keep in  mind that there are FOUR good sized boxes full of these, and the
 shipping is NOT going to be cheap!  :D
 If interested, reply in EMail or call/write.

 Address is:
 Don Gladden
 PO Box 247
 Fullerton, CA  92632-0247
 (714) 526-3270