[misc.wanted] Anybody remember the DVORAK keyboard layout?

blip@uublip.uucp (Brant Pellett) (05/17/91)

Q: What is the QWERTY keyboard layout?

A: +---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+--+
   |<TAB |Q|W|E|R|T|Y|U|I|O|P|{|}|||~|
   | TAB>|q|w|e|r|t|y|u|i|o|p|[|]|\|`|
   |      |A|S|D|F|G|H|J|K|L|:|"|  |E|
   | CTRL |a|s|d|f|g|h|j|k|l|;|'|CR|N|
   |       |Z|X|C|V|B|N|M|<|>|?|   |E|
   | SHIFT |z|x|c|v|b|n|m|,|.|/|SHF|R|

Q: I knew that.  But years ago I loaded an alternate key mapping into
   SUPERKEY (tm) in DOS.  In the first two weeks, I noticed my QWERTY
   typing speed had not changed significantly, (around 40) yet my DVORAK
   typing speed zoomed to 95 wpm.  Now I'd like to xmodmap my way to DVORAK.
   What is the DVORAK keyboard layout?


disclaimer: I speak on behalf of my organization, and I'm the ONLY one who does.
   BBBB   L      IIIII  PPPP            egsner!uublip!blip
   B   B  L        I    P   P           Brant Pellett
uu BBBB   L        I    PPPP            213-422-1808
   B   B  L        I    P               P.O. Box 7396