@RUTGERS.ARPA:Shiffman@WHITE.SWW.Symbolics.COM (03/08/85)
From: Hank Shiffman <Shiffman@WHITE.SWW.Symbolics.COM> Date: 1 Mar 1985 17:58:01-EST From: jcr@Mitre-Bedford Does anyone remember a made for TV movie that was adapted from Zenna Henderson's PILGRIMAGE and entitled, succinctly, "The People"? I saw this movie when I was quite young, must have been gradeschool or junior high, and I remember it as being wonderful. Yet it's been so long, I'm wondering whether I've got it correct. Was it really based on PILGRIMAGE or were there just similarities? I also can't remember a single actor in it. Thanks for any help. I believe it was an ABC Movie of the Week. It starred Kim Darby and William Shatner (remember him?) and was a pretty fair adaptation of the Henderson story.