[net.sf-lovers] Books!


From: Anne Marie Quint {/amqueue} <quint@RU-BLUE.ARPA>

     Here is a listing I got from a friend t post...slightly late
but still useful:

Upcoming SF from Bantam's Spectra line, as gathered from a promo flyer
at the Bantam party at Boskone.

MEDEA: Harlan's World.  Edited by Harlan Ellison.  Stories from many top
pros set on a common, designed world.  This time for sure Rocky!
$10.95 in trade pb, out in June.

Child of Fortune.  Norman Spinrad.  The star-flung odyssey of a young woman
through the heights and depths of an exotic interstellar culture.
$16.95 in hb, August.

The Last Rainbow.  Parke Godwin.  A tale of two lovers--Dorelei, the beautiful
leader of the Faerie, and the young priest who would eventually become St.
Patrick.  $6.95 trade pb, July.

Beloved Exile. Parke Godwin.  Regular size pb, $3.95, June.

The Proteus Operation.  James Hogan.  An sf thriller of a commando team
sent back in time to prevent Hitler's >victory< in WWII.  $16.95 hb October.

The Dream Years.  Lisa Goldstein (author of Red Magician).  A fantasy about
a young Surrealist from the 20's and a woman from the '68 Paris riots who
cross time to discover love and hope in a visionary future.  $14.95 hb September
The Postman. David Brin.  The adventures of a man after a nuclear war (probably
strung together from the stories in Isaac Asimov's).  $14.95 hb November.

The Uplift War. David Brin.  In the Startide Rising universe, the saga of
the Progenitors continues in a tale of a planet resisting invasion. (I suspect
that this is the book that had the working title of Gorilla).  $3.50 mass marketDecember. (nice that this book is coming out first in pb, as the other two
in the series did)

The Splendor and Misery of Bodies, of Cities.  Samuel Delaney.  The concluding
volume of the epic begun in Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand.  $16.95
hb, December.  The Stars... book will be in mass market for $3.95 in September.

West of Eden.  Harry Harrison.  pb edition out in July for $3.95.

A Stainless Steel Rat is Born. Harry Harrison.  The origin of Slippery Jim
Di Griz (noted as never before published, so presumably deals with his life
before he "reformed").  $2.95 pb, October.

The Book of Kells. R.A. MacAvoy.  A young artist is transported to 10th 
century Ireland.  $3.50 pb, August.  

Venus of Dreams. Pamela Sargent.  The first book in a series of unknown length
about the struggle to colonize Venus.  $3.95 pb October.

Gilgamesh the King. Robert Silverberg.  A fantasy based on the biblical
character.  $3.95 pb November.

Polar Fleet.  Warren Norwood.  Next book in "The Double Spiral War" series.
$2.95 pb June.

The Darkling Wind. Somtow Sucharitkul.  A saga of the end of a millenia
old galactic empire.  $3.50 July pb.

The Christening Quest.  Elizabeth Scarborough.  A fantasy in the Chronicles
of Argonia series.  $2.95 pb, August.

Threshold.  David Palmer.  First in a series about far future humanity's
struggle to preserve itself against a deadly cosmic force.  $2.95 pb November.

Note that in Bantam's attempt to create a "separate" sf line, they are 
following the practice of mainstream in pricing their main books higher than
their second rank books.  At least I hope that pbs won't be $3.50 and $3.95
by the end of the year!
